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Omega Strike Review

Metal Slug and Metroid had a baby.

As I’m coming to realize, I have a weakness for games classified as Metroidvanias. Between the layered progression and backtracking and the feeling of getting progressively more powerful, with some great boss fights sprinkled throughout, there’s always something to help continuously pull me through these experiences. Omega Strike, clocking in at five hours, is no exception to this rule and is further bolstered by its clear Metal Slug influence.

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X-Men Destiny Review

I wish my power were to go back in time and not play it.

In the world of video games there are very few intellectual properties that will let you print money as easily as the X-Men line. The game only has to be the least bit decent to get a flock of mutie lovers to come running with cold hard cash in hand. Unfortunately the latest X-Men game was given to developer Silicon Knights which is keeping very much to current form in making games no one wants to play.

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