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Microsoft's Xbox One (Nine Eight Four)

I'm starting to think the next gen might be "ungood."

Microsoft seems to have a real knack for bad timing. While gamers everywhere are trying their best to reserve judgment about the upcoming Xbox One until E3 is underway, seemingly unrelated revelations come tumbling out of Washington that the NSA is performing extensive data mining on US citizens and many of their activities. As it turns out, all of this snooping requires the full cooperation of companies we rely on to maintain a modern, connected lifestyle. The first company put on the well-behaved corporate list of the observation program known as PRISM is none other than Microsoft – the same company who wants to place a set top box in your home with a required microphone and camera.

Right around the time that details of what the NSA has been up to in its mission to catch terrorists (a.k.a. “bad guys” per Senator Diane Feinstein), Microsoft also sent out a series of announcements to help allay fears about several of the Xbox One’s features. Among these was a reassurance about the online necessities of the machine as well as the plans for the microphone and camera that must be plugged in and powered on in order for the device to even function.

Microsoft assures us that privacy is of the utmost and that only data we choose to be shared will be shared and listening and viewing functions will only be active based on our preferences. That’s all well and good except there will most assuredly be a EULA (End User License Agreement) attached to the Xbox One and part of that will be that Microsoft will comply with all law enforcement entities and applicable laws. It’s what every company that doesn’t want to get shut down would do, so you can’t blame them for obeying the law. It’s also worth mentioning that this EULA will definitely allow for future changes to the EULA itself, which most people will agree to with a mindless click of an on-screen “OK” button. This puts everyone considering purchasing this new console in a bit of a bind.

We might have lost our expectation of privacy in the public square and when logged in to public online locations like message boards and social networks. None of that visibility has extended into our actual homes before, and this is where things get sticky. Security experts and government officials assure us that the data the NSA is culling through is top-level, looking for extended patterns of engagement in questionable activities that point towards individuals making terroristic plots. Most likely, this is accurate. The biggest off-putting bit about this program is the process of making connections between people with some degree of separation between them and an actual suspect. Paranoid or not, many are worried that unknowingly visiting a restaurant owned by an anti-government wacko might pull them into some sort of legal mess (at best).  

Let’s assume that due diligence is taking place throughout all levels of this massive government organization and there will always be a human element standing between a piece of software culling through your Yelp reviews and the launching of a drone to blow up your house. In time, though, this human element can become the actual problem. You don’t have to look far down the newspaper front page to see how large organizations filled with fallible humans can make some poor and downright illegal decisions to inhibit the rights of citizens. The IRS’s latest SNAFU shows that whether direction comes from on high or is the work of a low-level worker bee, there is always potential to abuse government systems and stomp on others’ rights.

Certainly Microsoft would never allow anyone within its campus to access data that was tagged as private. There’s sure to be extensive oversight over any sort of snooping or data collection that would break the agreed upon terms of service. Unless, of course, Microsoft is actually a giant company spread around the world that would be impossible to thoroughly control.

All it would take is a single employee with the right access and the wrong motivations (or the right lack of social acumen) to add a few lines of code to record audio and video coming out of any home. Perhaps the motivations might even be in the name of “improved focused advertising,” where Microsoft decides to start listening for a selection of key words to decide whether to provide you with a either an ad for Doritos or Quaker Rice Cakes the next time you boot up your Xbox One. No harm done, right? You’re just getting ads for products you care more about. But the next move might be to use the camera for the same reasons – simply to be able to send out an ad for an upcoming DeadMau5 concert if the camera spies a white dude in salmon shorts sitting on the couch. 

Whether done under a Microsoft CEO-blessed program of enhanced advertisements or due to a rogue employee’s misguided curiosity, that camera and microphone could easily end up recording you and your family regardless of what you’re doing. In steps the NSA probing for some data on a “bad guy” that you played Modern Warfare 5 with and random still shots of your family might be viewed somewhere in Washington (to clear your name, of course).

Is this a problem? If you’re doing nothing wrong, the judicially reviewed process would certainly determine your innocence and move on, and perhaps agents would only ever see meta data about your conversations and pajamas. The problem is, we don’t know. We could end up with a huge international corporation collaborating with a massive government entity to decide whose living room is truly private or not and how to manage that information. Once the process gets started in a system like this, changing its course later if the highly praised “oversight” procedures actually uncover an issue won’t be an easy task. Perhaps the issues will be publicly revealed after several terrorist plots are squashed so we’ll be convinced it was a worthy trade-off.

There’s no way to tell, and it all depends where we try to grab our footing on this slippery slope. In some ways, that Minority Report computing future we all hoped for might become more real than we thought possible. Yeah, we’ll have (possibly wonky) arm flailing to satisfy our greatest dreams, but will we also have a system of constant surveillance that stops pre-crime based on a statistical analysis of our phone use and TV back talk? I doubt it, but it certainly seems possible that a photo of me or my kids in the sanctity of my living room could cross someone’s computer screen in Redmond or D.C., and I’m not so sure I want to pay for this privilege. 



Julian Titus Senior Editor

06/09/2013 at 05:32 PM

As much as I love living in "the future", what with all of our nifty tech and advancements, I'd be lying if I said I didn't dream about being born 60 years earlier. Everybody's rushing to share everything about themselves and to be connected to each other all of the time, and I think there's going to be a whole generation that doesn't see the potential problems with people being able to watch you all of the time.

Is this going into conspiracy theory territory? Possibly. But the fact is, the ability for this stuff to happen is here, and as a private person, this stuff really bothers me. It's not a matter of "I have nothing to hide", it's a matter of "I want my privacy to be private".


06/09/2013 at 06:14 PM

I saw a post on reddit about NSA, it was a picture of a Verizon truck in traffic with the caption "NSA Spy van" or something to that effect. I don't think that people imagined that the gov would be using private corporations to spy on them so Microsoft putting a cam and mic "always on" inside your home just sounds scary now. After all the news that's been released, I wouldn't consider it to be a conspiracy theory any longer. I hate the future.


06/09/2013 at 05:54 PM

All Microsoft has to do is let people remove Kinect from the box when they aren't using it. That's it. People wouldn't mind having to get up and press the power button instead as an alternative. That they keep telling people not to worry but won't let you run the Xone without Kinect attached makes their reassurances hollow IMO.


06/09/2013 at 06:10 PM

Let's just calm down now guys, the NSA is always on the up and up, shutting down arms dealers in any country with -stan at the end of it, and taking on cyber hackers from any country named North Korea, and wiping out any moles that get into 3rd and 4th Echelon. He's on top of it, they've always been good to him. Except when they kidnapped his daughter...and lead him to murder his best friend in a dark basement, and hunted him down for an entire game because Director Reed was a mole for Black Arrow or something. Whatever, you trust this face don't you? Yes you do. He'll straighten this twisted government out one shady white-man-in-control-of-an-agency at a time. If Sam needs to use Kinect to peek in on you while you hastily fap to brief Game of Thrones sex scenes and dip your nasty hands into a bags of Doritos, just deal with it buttholes, or else you're going to get choked out and dragged to a dark bathroom!


06/09/2013 at 07:42 PM

I'm not buying "The One" so at least I will not be part of the problem. My fear is that survelliance equipment might be put into new pcs as well though. I mean if they can do it with game consoles I don't see why they would not try to be "sneaky" with other appliances/devices as well.

Being watched is bad enough but it's getting to the point corporate run prisons want stupid laws passed just so they can have a steady influx of inmates. (Aka,more inmates=more funding) Could you imagine being arrested because you were in you home masturbating to porn or tried to spice up your love-life with your spouse by trying something "kinky"?? Will "private indecency" become the new crime?


06/10/2013 at 09:16 AM

So just a few months ago there was an outbreak of peoples computers being hacked, in particular the hackers were turning on the camera hoping to get a peek of who knows what. And I have seen enough videos on youtube to know that apparently its not that hard to hack a game console. I don't like the patriot act and I don't buy the excuse that its a neccesary evil. Some people would say "but what about the Boston Bombers?". To which I would say Russia tried to warn us about these guys, we ignored it. All our top notch survelince didn't do a damn bit of good until the deed was done. I can see the use of cameras on our public streets, they have been benefical for catching criminals after they commited a crime, but they have not prevented any. Giving the government the ability to put a camera in my home is down right Owellian and completely unacceptable.

Personaly I don't like Microsoft, I have never owned one of their consoles, and I'm gonna have a good laugh when this "Big Brother Machine" fails like a paper Hindenburg.

Chris Iozzi Staff Alumnus

06/10/2013 at 10:13 AM

I think we are all on the same page with this, I"ll bring up one good aspect, the fact that the box wants to connect to the internet every 24 hrs or deactivate will be a good thing for multiplayer because it will deter hackers/cheaters. I like playing CoD but the worst part is cheaters that exploit the game to win, such a waste of time and effort if people are going to cheat. Other than that, bleh

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

06/10/2013 at 10:20 AM

What's "Nine Eight Four"? I can't figure it out.


06/10/2013 at 01:35 PM

Its a reference to the classic novel 1984 by George Orwell (Xbox One-Nine-Eight-Four). 

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

06/10/2013 at 01:37 PM

Ah, cool. Thanks kilroy.


06/10/2013 at 11:49 AM

What's up with the Kinect having to be plugged in even when the unit is off? That doesn't sound right. I imagine that the console will be able to conduct surveillance and mine your data/ actions at anytime. I don't want my privacy violated like that. What a mess.


06/11/2013 at 06:23 PM

I think Apple managed to hold out longer than Microsoft before caving in and allowing them to use data for PRISM. Perhaps they have better lawyers? It's just so disturbing to me,but not a bit surprising. My sister worked at NSA for a couple of years. Though she couldn't discuss what she did there,at least I believed it was for the good of our country. Not so sure PRISM is good for us. May have started of with the best of intentions,but now has become a symbol of our progressively eroding freedom and privacy.


06/12/2013 at 11:47 PM

i believe that certain key words used in succession can get you observed so internet rantings have to be careful, for example if you threaten the head of a particular country with fatal violence (see how I worded that one!) you can expect observations/ visits/ contact from certain organisations. What about if I say something in jest or even ager on the spur of the momenbt and it gets sent to these agencies? It really is the next step in a big brother society:

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