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Mortal Kombat, Destiny, Beef...

On 04/13/2015 at 09:32 PM by GeminiMan78

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Howdy my pixilated peeps!

Well now, no need for an intro lets just get to the meat of this blog. And yes I chose that word on purpose because I have some things to say about MKX people are not likely going to want to hear. First off I need to say I'm not really a fan of the series. Not because of the gore, but because at its heart it is a mediocre fighting game. Take away the gore and photo realistic character models and what your left with is the most stiff, unintuitive fighting game ever made. I lost track of which one it was but the last MK game I played was on the PS2 ten years ago. The gameplay had improved but its still stiff. Anyway someone posted a montage of all the fatalities for MKX and I watched. As I have said many times before I don't like censorship but I do believe it's up to an artist to know when to censor themselves. In the past Fatalities were brutal but quick and to the point. These are long, methodical, drawn out, and smack of torture. But the one that really bothered me was not even the goriest. Its what it reminded me of that made me sick. A female character rips a guys throat out and almost takes his jaw off, but before he can hit the ground, she spins along beside him, puts her arm around his sholder, and then takes a selfie. This reminds me of the rogue soldiers who were killing Afghan and Iraqi civilians for fun and taking pics with the bodies. The point is I know this is what is expected, it's Mortal Kombat, this is their calling card. I'm not even against fatatilies, I just feel these go too far. 

Next on the agenda is the release date for Destinys House of Wolves dlc has been announced, May 19 is the big day. So for the most part I figured that would be the last day I play this game. But I have decided to wait for the details because of two things. One reason is it sounds like this expansion will take place in The Reef. This has been a big pink blob on our map that you go to only time for a cut scene. Word is there with be another social zone here meaning there should be some sizable new areas to explore. Second is that both Exotic and Legendary gear will be able to be upgraded to the new lev cap with a new system from what was implemeted before the last dlc. Anyway I am not buying jack until I see what the full package is. The rub for some is that there will be no 6 man raid in the dlc. Instead we are getting what sounds like a 3 on 3 arena called the Prison of Elders. But, a raid with be coming later and likely with a price tag.

As for beef, I will have to see how many MK fans I pissed

As always thanks for reading, Gemini out!



Super Step Contributing Writer

04/14/2015 at 02:16 AM

I kind of agree about MK being a stiff fighter at its core, but I don't think I'd care about the selfie fatality. I get why it makes you uncomfrtable, I just don't think that's what they had in mind. 


04/14/2015 at 07:41 AM

I don't think that is what they intended either but it still pretty tasteless.


04/14/2015 at 02:38 AM

I don't want to see torture in any game and it seems it's the new favorite feature. I had to endure a torture scene in Wolfenstein the New Order and hated having to do that every time I played through it. 


04/14/2015 at 07:47 AM

I just think that a line has to be drawn, there is nothing "cool" about torture. It is one of the most horrible things mankind has ever come up with.


04/14/2015 at 04:09 PM

I don't know why a lot of new games are putting such stuff in them recently. Do people really want that? For me, it could make me avoid a game with that in it.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/14/2015 at 04:55 AM

i hear you about the fatalities.  not my bag, but like you said censorship sucks.  The only problem is the kids who play these games getting desensitized, but I remember I played these games as a kid and I turned out ok... sort of.  Tongue Out


04/14/2015 at 07:53 AM

Me too and I remember being on the opposite side of the fence back then. But that was over 20 years ago and this is a completely different animal from then. Despite the M rating you know kids are going to play this. And most probably won't be affected but that in itself is kind of disturbing.

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