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Spoooky Reviews!

On 10/29/2015 at 08:27 PM by Cary Woodham

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Hey folks, here’s another batch of games I’ve been reviewing lately over at  And just in time for Halloween, most of these are spooky and kooky games!  Please click on the links and read as many as you can, and maybe even post a comment or two here or there.  I’d really appreciate it.  Happy Halloween!

But first a little Halloween spooky game related rant.  I’m not big into horror games, but I do like ghosts and ghost stories, so I was thrilled when I first found out that Nintendo was releasing the new Wii U Fatal Frame game in the US.  I was even planning on writing a blog about it and the few other M rated games I’ve enjoyed over the years as well.  But Nintendo went and botched up the release of the game in the US.  First of all, it’s download only, which I wouldn’t have much of a problem with except that I think it costs the same amount as a disc game.  You can start it for free, which is cool, but to play the whole thing I think it ends up being as much as a regular game.  I also don’t like that nickeling and diming approach for paying for games.  But what’s worse is that the game is over 10 GB.  If you have the Wii U with the bigger hard drive, like I do, that’s still a third of it right there.  I review a lot of games, and I like to keep a large space available in case I have to review something, and I still don’t have enough room for the new Fatal Frame game!  I know that eventually, all games will be download only.  I’m not looking forward to it, but I know it’s coming.  But I don’t think we’re quite there yet.  Any game that’s over 4 GB should have the option to be bought as a disc.  I’m not going to buy the game and then have to buy more memory, too.  I have to say that when we do get to the point where games are all download only, I have a feeling I’ll be playing and reviewing less games, which is sad.  But instead of complaining about how Nintendo botched the US release of Fatal Frame, I’m just not going to buy it.  It’s a shame, too, since Japan and Europe got disc releases of it.  So instead I got Xenodrifter and Steamworld Dig on the Friends of Runbow Sale, which were both less than 100 MB and cost about 6 bucks each thanks to the Friends of Runbow Sale.  That’s what a download only game should be.  OK, now onto the spooky game reviews!

Skylanders Superchargers Super Special!

Well, okay, this game isn’t really scary, but it does have monsters in it.  Skylanders is a big deal for kids, so naturally I make it a big deal on the GamerDad site as well.  It’s one of the reviews I really put a lot of effort in every year, so that’s why I posted it here first, and I hope you all get to read it.  There are two big things in this Skylanders entry.  One, they introduced vehicles you can ride in.  The toy vehicles are cool, too, as they include moving parts like rolling wheels.  The other cool thing about this Skylanders is that the Nintendo versions of the game have a couple of guest characters as Skylanders: Donkey Kong and Bowser.  They even have their own vehicles and you can switch them out from Skylanders to Amiibo figures!  Even though I only got to review the Wii U version, which includes Donkey Kong, the folks at Activision were nice enough to mail me the Bowser and airplane figures!  I think that out of all the ‘toys to life’ figures and games (others include Disney Infinity, Amiibo, and LEGO Dimensions), I think Skylanders gets things right the most.  The toys just scream, “Play with me!”  And admit it, if you were a kid, you’d go nuts over Skylanders, too.

Extreme Exorcism (Wii U)

This is a downloadable Wii U title that reminds me of a cross between Bubble Bobble and Ghostbusters.  You move around single screen areas and must pick up weapons to kill ghosts.  Once you make it to the next round, they add one more ghost, and the ghosts follow the same path as you did in the last round.  So if you remember how you moved in the last round, you can anticipate how the ghost will move, too.  And if you jump around and shoot a lot, the ghost in the next round may end up being harder to get.  Up to four can play at the same time.  I don’t know, I just liked this game for some reason.  But then, I also really like Bubble Bobble and Ghostbusters!

Whispering Willows (Wii U)

This is a cleverly disguised point and click adventure. You play as a girl who must find her dad in a haunted house.  She has a magic amulet that lets her turn into a ghost so she can talk to spirits and pass through certain walls and possess certain objects.  You move your character directly like in a 2-D platformer, but most of what you do is find items like keys to open locked doors.  The game definitely has a very ‘casual’ feel to it, and it’s not very hard or lengthy.  But I was still entertained by it anyway and played it to the end.

Goosebumps: The Game (3DS)

I never really got into the Goosebumps books, as I was too old when they first came out.  MY favorite books as a kid were the Chronicles of Narnia series.  My brothers were too young to read them when the Goosebumps books first came out, and when they were old enough, Harry Potter was big and so they were into those books instead.  When my little brother Jeff was little, he took swimming lessons once and we had to get him a big beach towel, so when we went to the store he picked out a Goosebumps beach towel and thought he was big stuff!  And that’s really all I can tell you about what I know about Goosebumps.  The game is like a point and click adventure and it was made by WayForward.  Unfortunately, it’s not very good, but I bet fans of the books will like it.  It kind of reminds me of those ‘choose your own adventure’ books.  I hated those; I could never get the good endings in them!

Reader Review: Final Dusk (PC)

Had a couple of my friends review some spooky games for me, too.  This one is a 2-D puzzle platformer where you play as a vampire girl and must find ways to avoid the light.  The artwork reminds me of NIS titles like Disgaea, which makes sense now why my friend wanted to review it.  He loves those games and characters.

Reader Review: Undertale (PC)

This same friend also reviewed this game on his own.  A lot of people have been talking about this humorous RPG lately.  Even my brother Jeff downloaded it!  It’s very Earthbound-ey.  I could be wrong, but I have a feeling if this title gets more popular, we’ll see it on a console soon.

Reader Review: Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (Vita)

Another one of my friends really like the Danganronpa series of text adventures, and he reviewed the other ones for me, too.  So I had him review this one as well.  Turns out it’s a spinoff game and a third person shooter.  Now I feel kinda bad for having him review it.  Whoops, sorry friend!

Snail Bob 2 (iPad)

Well that’s all the spooky games I reviewed, so here are the leftovers.  Snail Bob 2 is a puzzle game that’s kind of like Lemmings where you guide a snail around obstacles and dangers.  It’s designed for little kids, so it’s not too hard, but I still enjoyed it a lot anyway.  Just a fun, simple little charming game.

Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? (3DS)

And finally, this is based on the TV game show.  The video game just ends up being a trivia challenge, but it’s still fun and educational for fans of the show.  I didn’t like how small the text was, though.  I’m not a big Jeff Foxworthy fan, but I do have respect for some of the shows he hosts.  This one is a good family educational show, and another show he hosts, I really like as well, and it’s called The Great American Bible Challenge.

Boo For Now!

And that’s all for now!  Thanks for reading my reviews and posting comments and such.  I really do appreciate it.  Now’s the time of year that I have a lot of games to review because of the holiday season, so I have to eat my spinach and turn into Super Cary and write a lot of reviews!  Later!  --Cary



Super Step Contributing Writer

10/29/2015 at 10:22 PM

I'm terrified to play are you smarter than a 5th grader? What if they revoke my degrees if I accidentally put bad scores on the Internet for ... some reason? haha I'll be back tomorrow hopefully to read some of these.

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 07:12 AM

Please do!  I hope you come back and at least read the Skylanders review, as I put more effort into that series' reviews since it's a perfect fit for the site I write for.


10/30/2015 at 01:57 AM

Everything downloadable scares me too. I lost a lot of my interest in music after it all became downloadable. I fear that's what is going to happen with me and games. 

Skylanders interests me. I like the monster designs a lot. I'll try it out sometime. 

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 07:14 AM

The cool thing about music is how vinyl records are making a comeback.  Last weekend I went over to a friend's house and listened to new records and it was amazing.

Yeah I like the designs in Skylanders, too.  The toys just seem to scream out, "Play with me!"

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/30/2015 at 05:34 AM

Honestly, that's one of my biggest problems with the Wii-U. My 24 gb is simply not enough. That wasn't enough for 360/ps3 games either, so why would it be for a console that is more powerful than those? We live in an age where a game can be upwards of 60gb - *cough cough* wolfenstein: the new order *cough cough* - so it's somewhat ridiculous that nintendo would limit it's system like that. Especially when most wii-u games are around the 5-8gb mark.

 As for the price? It's a bit mcuh, especially for a game that looks as buggy and unpolished as this one. Still, some journalists I respect quite like this one: 

 Finally, Undertale IS good. It's also made with Game Maker, and Game Maker games are pretty easy to port to consoles. It would fit right in with Nintendo's style as well, but I doubt it will go there because Nintendo have ridiculous rules to get on their console (just ask Nick). But it'll run on a 70's analogue watch so I feel like if you own a laptop it's something everyone should experience. It's a game where I couldn't stop smiling.

 This is getting really long, but Dangonronpa is also phenomenal and everyone should play it. The new one... is meh. You should be sorry :p

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 07:16 AM

I know it seems strange, but I just have a feeling we'll be seeing Undertale on consoles.  I know Nintendo is pretty ticky about stuff like that, but they do have quite a big selection of indie games, too.  You'd be surprised.  I could very well be wrong, but after nearly 20 years of reviewing games, I have a sixth sense about these kinds of things.

Thanks for reading!


10/30/2015 at 08:09 AM

The solution to the Wii U space problem is to buy a 1 TB external hard drive. The system supports up to 2 TB . Then you'll have all kinds of space.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/30/2015 at 01:12 PM

Right. But my ps4 comes with 360 gb as the default. Xbone also comes with a decent amount of space. I know there would be storageoptions but limiting you off the bat like that seems like a dick Move.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/30/2015 at 01:34 PM

Blake is right, it's a dick move. But if you get a different hard drive you are the fucking mack daddie with that shit. 

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 06:50 PM

Boy I really started a discussion about this, didn't I?  Oh well, I knew it would happen.  Nobody wants to talk about Skylanders. :)


10/30/2015 at 04:18 PM

Up until the Xbone Microsoft was selling a model of it's 360 with 4 GB of storage. The Vita comes with none or 1 GB. Nothing new.

Even so I'm not sure what was with the 8 or 32 GB flash memory and then trying to push digital games. Pretty much only good if you only download retro games and buy physical. 

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 06:51 PM

All I know is, any consoles I buy in the future I will make sure they have the biggest amount of storage possible on them.

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 06:49 PM

Yeah when all is said and done, the fact of the matter is that Nintendo just botched up the US release.  So I say, "I love ya, Nintendo, but you're not going to get my money this time."


10/30/2015 at 09:25 PM

I am of the opposite opinion since seeing the outrageous prices microsoft charged for thier hard drives and how much more consoles are with the larger drives.  I feel like Nintendo saved me the extra money they would have jacked the price up to include a larger drive and let me buy my own dirt cheap (actually, use one I already had laying around).

Cary Woodham

10/31/2015 at 08:14 AM

It's always good when you have extras of something.  Then you don't have to worry about figuring out to how to get a store to get it.

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 06:48 PM

it's definitely a solution, but I still don't like the idea of having to spend even more money on a full price digital-only game.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/30/2015 at 06:54 PM

yeah I don't get that either.  Digital versions should be cheaper, not more expensive!

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 06:55 PM

And that's just one of the reasons why Nintendo's not getting my money this time.  But don't worry, Nintendo, you got me hook, line, and sinker with Amiibos.


10/30/2015 at 11:20 AM

I love the Snail Bob games! I've played most of them through the kongregate website.

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 06:52 PM

Yeah I enjoyed Snail Bob 2.  Are than any other Snail Bob games besides this one and the original?


10/30/2015 at 10:13 PM

I just checked, and they're up to 8.

Cary Woodham

10/31/2015 at 08:15 AM

8?!?  I had no idea there were so many.  TinyBuild made it sound like there was only 2.  TinyBuild has been very supportive of GamerDad, by the way.


10/31/2015 at 11:05 AM

They're flash games available on kongregate. Maybe there are only two available on iPad? I dunno.

Cary Woodham

10/31/2015 at 11:07 PM

How many levels are in each game?


11/01/2015 at 10:15 AM

I don't remember! I have a hard time remembering what I had for lunch yesterday! Lots. You can play them at, and there's a search box you can use to find them.

Cary Woodham

11/01/2015 at 07:27 PM

I was just wondering because Snail Bob 2 has different worlds, and I thought that maybe they combined the worlds as levels from the Flash games. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/30/2015 at 01:34 PM

aw I wish you had played Undertale.  I would rather hear your impression of it.  :(

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 06:54 PM

Well my brother Jeff downloaded it last weekend, so I watched him play a little bit of it.  It's a very Earthbound-ey RPG with a lot of humor.  Battles look like typical 8-bit RPG fare, but you oftentimes are encouraged to NOT fight the enemy and choose other options to talk your way out of the battles.  And when you do defend yourself, you play a WarioWare style mini-game.  I could very well be wrong, but I just have this feeling we'll be seeing this game on consoles in the future.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/30/2015 at 06:55 PM

I think you're right.  I'd like to play it on my Vita or Wii U gamepad. 

Cary Woodham

10/30/2015 at 06:57 PM

I was right about Freedom Planet at least.  When I first saw it on PCs at PAX, I was like, "Oh this belongs on a console."  Have you ever seen Freedom Planet?  You should check it out.


11/01/2015 at 12:06 PM

Honestly, Fatal Frame isn't a bad deal. It's $50 for the full game (full games these days cost $60) so it is slightly cheaper than most of Nintendo's offerings. The launch wasn't handled great (though we're lucky to get it at all), but I think it's good for what it is.

Cary Woodham

11/01/2015 at 07:28 PM

I feel that 50 bucks is still too much for a download only game, especially since I'd have to go get more memory in order to play it.


11/02/2015 at 08:31 AM

I'm a huge Fatal Frame fan and feel really bad how Nintendo Of America handled this one. Aka,they took out the most sexy costumes but were like "Here,have these Zelda & Metroid costumes that don't make sense within this game!" and decided to make it "download only". I'm sure some people will download it & I understand why (I'm thirsty for a new Fatal Frame game too) but even if I had a Wii U it would be a "no purchase" for me unless they released a disc version with all content included. Anything tied to censorship & "download only" makes me kind of sour from the get go!

Cary Woodham

11/02/2015 at 09:07 PM

There are Zelda and Metroid costumes?  That sounds cooler to me than sexy costumes.  When I think of Fatal Frame, sexy doesn't really come to mind.


11/03/2015 at 04:54 AM

Really? The series always had attractive female characters & sexy or cute costume unlocks,Cary. But yeah, supposedely to "make it up to the fans" they put in a Samus costume and a Zelda costume.

Cary Woodham

11/03/2015 at 06:30 PM

Eh, I guess, but I always was more focused on the scary ghost stuff than the sexy stuff.  Samus and Zelda are sexy, though, for video game characters I guess.:)

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