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Moving to Oz and hand held delights (gaming that is!)

On 04/03/2013 at 09:44 PM by Chunopo

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Well a lot's been going on at the moment, my wife and I have just moved to Australia which is exactly the other side of the world and my dear old ma is not too happy about it, but hey a guy can only take so much bad weather which England has in spades! We decided on Perth (WA) and its absolutely amazing out here. It's fast approaching winter but the temperature is well into the thirties and the sun makes for a ultra relaxed attitude, though the price of stuff will take some getting used too, it works out to be about £10 ($15 Aus dollars) for a pint of beer! Great incentive to cut down though.

 so I ve gone from this:

to this:

Were currently looking for a place to live but again it's pretty hair raising, you actually have to bid here for property rental and we only have about a week left in our hotel so were cutting it a bit fine. All f our stuff is coming via ship and unfortunately will take about two months to arrive, that means my lovely flat screen and X box will be all by their lonesome until then, and who knows what state they'll arrive in! I wasn't anticipating such a long wait but luckily I brought all of my hand held gaming goodness on the plane with me. My trusty 3DS and PSP will have to serve me right until I can finish playing Ninja Storm 3 and Dishonoured (which I was really starting to enjoy).


So far I ve re-played Ocarina of Time and I am currently having another blast through Kid Icarus which always seems to impress with it's visual spectacle! Despite the control issues (of which there are a few, particularly in the 'ground' levels) the developers really went to town in creating an experience that signifies what the 3DS is all about. That's what I've always loved about Nintendo's hand held systems, they tailor experiences to 'on the go gaming' even console releases like Ocarina of Time and Starfox lend them selves well to 10-20 min sessions, though they play equally well for an hour or two!


Comparing that to the PSP is interesting as I do feel that many games for Sony's portable flag ship attempt to cram a few too many console experiences into the mix, not that this is a bad thing of course as you can 'turn off' the console and hours later turn it back on to be exactly where you left off without the need to re-load, however the most fun I have had here is re-visiting PS1 classics. I've been playing all three Crash Bandicoot's and Resident evil 1,2 and 3. Also having been inspired by Grey Haired's last play through of MGS1 I think I'm going to start again on that bad boy, but I won't be aiming to beat GH's impressive completion time!

Whilst en-route to Perth we stopped in Singapore and I happened to come across this little number:


Crash and Mario on the same platform! yes please, though not sure how successfully this has been pulled off, I didn't have the funds at the time to purchase but you tube footage has led me to believe that it's an interesting experience.


Any how I hope to get some more art work out there soon, I've got my latest Ultimate Battles piece to finish so I'll post the 'unfinished' line drawing asap, though all my artists equipment is currently en route with my TV and X Box so I need to find an artists supplier out here.


Peace out ladies and gents.




04/03/2013 at 10:14 PM

Glad you moved to such a cool city. I've actually been to Perth. Went there when I was in the Navy. My ship was there for 5 days. Such wonderful people,they were  just fantastic. We were at a big pier at Fremantle. At night we had these huge parties in a warehouse they loaned us. Tons of locals came out(many of them girls) to drink and visit with us. During the day we roamed around Perth. It was so cool because it had the things we liked from the US. But also had lots of things unique to Australia. I'm a big fan of the Crash Bandicoot games. Warped is my favorite. They will always remain in my collection,as I consider them classics.


04/03/2013 at 11:33 PM

Yeah it's definately an amazing place, so nice to feel the sun on my back! I ve seen a lot of similarities with the US which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned, but as you say lots of traditional Oz stuff too, being British I automatically earn the title of whinging Pom but in all honesty I can understand why, we do like to moan! Nothing to moan about Fremantle though, I was there yesterday, so lovely!

Warped has to be my favourite in the Crash series too, I must admit that I'm really liking console classics being released on handhelds, I can watch gaming evolve on my big screen and re-live my childhood on the go


04/03/2013 at 10:57 PM

Always wanted to visit Oz. Maybe someday...

Good luck finding a place and may all your belongings arrive in one piece! Having shipped all our worldly belongings across the Atlantic in cargo containers more than once as a kid, you know how much I really mean that!


04/03/2013 at 11:37 PM

Thanks Tami

We've got a few more properties to look at today which is exciting but exhausting! Our shipping (well half of it) is currently with customs so we'll have to wait and see if they confiscate anything, fingers crossed!(thats assuming they can actually see anything under all that bubble wrap that I had to resist popping before we moved it)

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2013 at 12:25 AM

You mean well into the thirties as in Celsius, right? Cause that sounds extremely cold to this Fahrenheit using Texan. lol In any case, hope you find a great place to settle in your new great place, and all the stuff arrives in top shape!

I really want a 3DS, and I'd love to play some old PS1 games on the Vita myself, but alas, not much I can do with such an erratic job (I'm a freelancer, so I've been looking for more gigs when the main emplyer's not calling) and loan debt. Gaming will have to wait.

But wait, Mario is on a PSP game?! This... official? I mean, Sonic being on Nintendos was interesting, but they had no Segas to put him on; I'm rather surprised Nintendo would license out Mario to a Sony platform.

Great blog!


04/04/2013 at 06:35 AM

Ha ha, yeah Celcius it is, you'll know all about heat being a Texan though! I'm loving my 3DS, it really is a pretty unique gaming experience and I have to admit that just being able to play in 3D is novelty enought to keep me throughly entertained, I had to double take myself but it turns out it's a 'PVP' not PSP, you tube has some interesting vids if you just type in 'PVP gaming', they even show a ghosts and ghouls style game featuring Mario, I think they just add different sprites as the games appear to be built in. I'm hoping to head back to Singapore in the next year or so where I might be able to pick one up. Kinda really regretting not getting one.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2013 at 05:22 PM

Actually, right now it's 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and cloudy, yesterday it was raining and I could see my breath on my run. During summer, I know all about heat, but mostly I know all about how the weather is made up and the seasons don't matter, as per that Drew Carrey meme. lol

And I should have noticed the V in place of S, but the rest of it looks so similar. If I'm ever in Singapore, I'll be on the lookout for stuff like that.


04/04/2013 at 05:20 PM

"the temperature is well into the thirties and the sun makes for a ultra relaxed attitude"

I read that, freaked, and remembered that the rest of the world uses Celsius!

Your new place looks beautiful! I wish I was there instead of New Jersey!


04/04/2013 at 10:34 PM

It is a stunning place alright, can describe in words just how different it is from my birth place, though I have to admit that I will miss the rolling green hills of Yorkshires fine Moors!


04/04/2013 at 07:02 PM

Everything you've mention about moving to the other side of the planet sounds awesome except for the 10 quid pints. That sounds like my worst nightmare. LOL

Tie mi kangaroo down sport. LOL


04/04/2013 at 10:38 PM

Yeah I had to be careful not to spit out  what I was drinking when the missus informed me of what she just paid! That would mouthful would have been at least a fiver! I have to admit that without the support of friends of friends (i.e. people I ve never met before moving here!) this would have been much more difficult, thats whay I say to anyone making the move out to perth to get in touch as I'll be understanding the extreme combination of shock and wow!


04/06/2013 at 08:58 AM

When I was in Singapore I remember seeing all sorts of products like the Crash/Mario handheld there. You could tell some were bootlegs and not authorized at all. I noticed it says PVP on it and there's no Sony logo. Guess international laws can let them get by with it.  Big question would be if that device is compatible with regular PSP games you would buy in a game store. I'm gonna investigate that. Got me curious about it.


04/07/2013 at 05:22 AM

Yeah I really should have asked to have a look at the console, Vids I ve seen on you tube seem to indicate that games are in built but I only saw links to slightly different consoles, perhaps they've 'evolved' a little then.

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