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Reading Is Funda...Funto...Farndi...oh hell. Books!

On 04/11/2013 at 03:42 PM by smartcelt

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 Just wanted to put up a short blog today showing you two interesting books I found. Got them for 25 bucks each at Barnes & Noble yesterday. The first one here,The Legend Of Zelda: Hyrule Historia is just fantastic. Just the thing I need to help me understand all about the games. Always been a weak spot in my gaming knowledge bank. This book has it all. From the very beginning to now. Great artwork and tons of good information on all aspects of the game and characters.

 Beautifully illustrated and with vivid colors. Each section is packed with data and it is superb.

 The detail they get into is really cool. Things that you would never find anywhere else I think.

 I love graphic novels and comics. So this book was right up my alley. Artwork is just the kind I like. I like when the art is not abstract or overly stylized. Also don't care for artwork that is hyper-realistic to the point it should be a photo. This is just perfect,though. I won't go into stories or anything. Just show you some examples of the art you will find in this book.

 I will say that the stories are highly enjoyable. I love books that are game related,so I knew I would be into it. Did not dissappoint at all. This one is definitely worth picking up.


And then there was the Sheldon Cooper bobble-head. Decided to collect these and he was my first one. Next time I will get Leonard. Sheldon fits right in with the Bane bobble head I have for some odd reason. They're both smart and kinda warped,maybe that's it!  Sheldon does not look amused by my comparison,so I'll stop now.

What I'm listening to today.......




04/11/2013 at 03:53 PM

That Zelda book looks fantastic! I have been wanting to get that for awhile now. I bet it makes the perfect coffee table piece. I used to have an Iron Maiden Eddie bobble head. It was really high quality too. It's the cover off of Piece of Mind where he's in a straight jacket lol.


04/11/2013 at 05:38 PM

Think I saw that one once. I want to get one of those figures of Eddie as The Trooper. Saw one at a store a few years ago and should have grabbed it then, They have one of him like the cover of Somewhere In Time as well.


04/11/2013 at 03:58 PM

Okay, where did you get the Bobble-head?


04/11/2013 at 05:41 PM

Got that at Barnes & Noble same as the books. They have a huge selection of them. Lord Of The Rings,Star Wars,Halo,Batman,Walking Dead,all kinds of them. Seems like they are the only store in Tulsa that carries them.

The Last Ninja

04/11/2013 at 04:09 PM

I have to get that Zelda book! I love ART and ZELDA, so that book is a must-have! Except, well, I need money. 


04/11/2013 at 05:43 PM

You might see if you could find a deal online. Barnes & Noble can be hit or miss on their prices. Wal Mart has it on their website I believe.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/11/2013 at 04:50 PM

I thought you had to order that Zelda book online. It's in brick-and-mortars like Barnes and Noble? Well, might be making a trip today once my car comes back home. Or tomorrow.

I should read more graphic novels. Have to say though, I actually like the hyper-stylized and more realistic stuff, so we differ there. Only ones I own currently that I know of are Batman Noel and Watchmen. Noel is definitely trying to be more realistic, and looks great, aside from a couple character faces, like Superman's, that don't look right to me. Otherwise, I love the artwork, though. Then again, I'd say Watchmen is closer in style to the graphic novel you posted, which I also love. I'll have to read more of them to figure out my preference, but for the time being, as long as the art doesn't look like crap, I'm good.

Favorite part of the Trowler was the breakdown around 4 or so minutes in, and continues until.... well, I guess it's just easier to say I really like the second half. 

Really dug the 80s (early 90s?) vibe of the Pat Travers. "Snortin Whiskey, drinkin cocaine" are the lyrics, and these guys are dressed like that and rocking the way they are? Might as well be the anthem for the 80s as I see it. lol Of course, I'm seeing it as someone who was alive for none of that decade, so mileage may vary.


04/11/2013 at 05:57 PM

The Zelda book I had no clue about until I saw it yesterday. It was in with the strategy guides. I was looking for a hardcover guide for Bioshock Infinite,but they had only paperback version. I'm getting to where if the game is a major one I want the hard cover. Graphic novels are something I only started with two years ago. Been reading one called Jennifer Blood[a collection of the comics] that is pretty cool. The Walking Dead books are my favorite ones. Most people haven't a clue who Robin Trower is. He was a guy my brother listened to a lot,so I ended up liking his music. He is really blues oriented like Jimi Hendrix was,I love that sort of thing in guitarists. Did you notice the hair farm the lead guitarist for Pat Travers was sporting? And those clothes,wow. You could tell it was the end of the 80's with that stuff. Guy looked like he was in Cinderella.That band was known primarily for the song "Boom,Boom...Out Go The Lights" but I always preferred the song they were doing about Snortin' Whiskey! Only back then could you get away with a song talking about how much cocaine you have. And how you ain't never coming down!

Cary Woodham

04/11/2013 at 07:10 PM

I reviewed the Zelda art book a while back.

Does the Valve book have Portal comics?  I'd like to read "The Heroic Adventures of Wheatley!"


04/11/2013 at 11:17 PM

It does in fact have some Portal content. The Sacrifice is a Left 4 Dead story. I read your review of the Zelda book. Excellent job on that one. Describes all the cool things inside this incredible book.


04/11/2013 at 10:05 PM

I almost purchased the Zelda book.  Could you tell me, is it mostly images with captions, or is there meaty literature to it?  I want it if it's a good read, not a good flip-through.


04/11/2013 at 10:15 PM

The Hyrule Historia is quite meaty. It has interesting insights from Miyamoto, Aonuma, and others as to what went into the design of the Zelda games, as well as art and design documents from throughout the series.


04/11/2013 at 11:20 PM

That is precisely why I got it,for all that good information from Miyamoto and his entire team. I like that they made it a mixture of that content and great imagery.


04/11/2013 at 10:16 PM

Love the Hyrule Historia. I've loved reading through all the old Zelda history. Reminds me of when those games first came out back in the 80s and 90s. Now they're coming out with a new Final Fantasy artbook in June that I want.


04/11/2013 at 11:23 PM

Now that is one I must have. The art of Final Fantasy is so amazing. I find it rather inspiring,which is why I believe games can be art. They are the proof of it.


04/11/2013 at 11:12 PM

I've never been sold on super realism either. While I can admire artists that have a perfect grasp of anatomy,most of my favorite illustrations tend to be exaggerated or otherwise otherworldly.

In my mind "Adventure Time" deserves to be respected every bit as much as a painting by Boris Vallejo or Frazzeta.

Guess my perspective of "art" may seem wacky to most people. lol.


04/11/2013 at 11:28 PM

Art is in the eye of the beholder,as they say. Can't really say I understand how art critics operate. Who died and made them the Gods Of Art? I just know what I like. Same way I feel about music. David Wild is one of the very few music critics I respect.


04/12/2013 at 09:36 PM

Books! I love books!


04/13/2013 at 10:02 AM

Thank God for Barnes & Noble. Last retail bookstore we have in Tulsa. Used to love going to Borders. That place rocked.


04/13/2013 at 04:14 AM

I just got Hyrule Historia for wife's birthday this week! In fact, her birthday was the 11th...the day you posted this blog. Strange bit of synchronicity right there Smile

I haven't had a chance to do anything more than flip through it yet but it looks really good. And the physical quality of how it's put together is top notch. For anybody else interested in getting it I would suggest checking Amazon. I got it from there for $20.


04/13/2013 at 10:05 AM

Online seems to be the way to go on this book. I just had to get it when I saw it. Great choice of a gift for your wife,btw. A truly collectible book I will keep always.


04/14/2013 at 02:03 PM

Pat Travers.  Saw him recently in Kingsport, TN last Fall.  Great band.  He played great guitar and I thought his drummer was VERY good.  I just couldn't get into his music like it deserved.

Patrick Kijek Contributing Writer

04/15/2013 at 12:48 AM

The Hyrule Hystoria actually reached #1 on's non-fiction section. I love the book and have it on a coffee table; pick it up occasionally.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/15/2013 at 06:53 AM

I keep seeing people grab the Hyrule Hystoria book, but I have yet to get my hands on a copy. I think it's really cool that they show the progression of Link from his original concept all the way to current modeling.


04/15/2013 at 12:43 PM

I need the Hyrule Historia! That book looks amazing. Thank you for showing me that such a book exists in this world.

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