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Yes, I’m still gaming.

On 06/03/2024 at 08:35 PM by Homelessrook

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Good tydings all! 

I have returned with an update. Since last I posted I have acquired a few 8bit computers and a few more retro consoles. I've also stepped into the current gen arena, clearly that is God of War's fault, that tricky Kratos and his offerings...

On a serious note, I've been absent for a bit, no pun intended. I graduated from college, started a new career and found out food is not the best coping mechanism. I've successfully reach the half centuary mark this year and still act as I were a teen, mentally anyway, lol.

Here is what I am currently playing.


Rise of the Ronin 

Final Fantasy XVI

Star Ocean The Divine Force ( SERIES X)

Dragon Quest Builders ( Switch)


That is it for now. I may become a reagular again, we will see. 




Cary Woodham

06/03/2024 at 08:48 PM

Good to hear from you again.  My brother Jeff loved that DQ Builders game.


06/07/2024 at 08:44 PM

It is a really good game, very challenging the further you get into it.


06/06/2024 at 11:19 AM

Hey, Larry. Good to see you. Sounds like you've been busy. I've been getting into real estate investing myself. 


06/07/2024 at 08:45 PM

That can be a very profitable venture, if you choose the right properties.


06/06/2024 at 03:53 PM

Welcome back! I struggle remembering to pop in during the month but it's always great to see someone show up again.


06/07/2024 at 08:47 PM

I would plan to drop in then get side tracked. I almost popped in for BAD but I had a lot take place in February .


06/08/2024 at 01:45 PM

Nobody did BaD this year. It was, well, sad.


06/07/2024 at 01:45 PM

Welcome back! Were about the same age, and I also act a bit too young for my age. I worry about it sometimes, but I can't help being me. 

I'm curious about those 8-bit computers and retro consoles. I've been curious about the Atari 800 and C64 lately. 


06/07/2024 at 08:51 PM

What is up?! I have a C64, VIC 20, Atari 800 XL ,Atari 400 and a TRS 80 Coco 2. Hey let me know if you pick up a C64, I will give you the info to get a new power supply that will not fry you computer. 


06/08/2024 at 09:25 AM

I have the C64 mini at the moment. 

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