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My Art Work pt2: Observations and Nudes

On 05/30/2013 at 10:23 AM by Chunopo

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I was hoping to get this one out there a bit sooner but my TV and X Box finally arrived in Aus and it's all in one piece so I've blitzing a few games and been rather impressed with the 'bug hunt DLC' for Aliens Colonial Marines...... just a shame they did such a piss poor job the first time round and online support is next to nothing.

Any way I'm going to delve into my university experience of drawing and focus on all the things that I tried desperately to avoid at school and college.... the human figure.

I've never been overly comfortable doing human faces. They are the toughest things to draw, period, and anyone who can do an accurate portrait has my upmost respect, however avoiding people altogether was never going to be an option so I tool the opportunity to start studying body parts the easiest way you can...... explore your self! Not in a 'just started noticing girls' way, rather focus on drawing things like hands, of which now I am equally fascinated with drawing.

Hands can be a pain, but in order to get the most out of any creative drawing I felt it was important to get the 'grips' right, be it wielding a hammer or gun, palming out a Hadoken or simply shielding ones self from a magical spell, if I was ever going to be able to create my own works that even came close to resembling some of the amazing illustrations that I had seen in literature and comics alike I would have to get this one right.

I started to just doodle, using both pens and pencils but Biro's gave me the opportunity to 'zone out' in my lectures and my hands were obviously all I could see. I quickly realised that Biro pens were a valuable asset in drawing and would later experiment with different types such as fine liners. The picture was something that I decided to put some real time into and was about my fourth attempt at drawing hands with the media.

After bashing out a number of studies on hands I got to try out some actual life drawing classes with fully nude guys and gals. I was pretty intrigued by it all until I quickly realised that you only ever draw.... how shall we say..... plump people. These individuals had some serious cake issues but the larger they are, the more interesting subjects they make. The image below is one of my first. We had about 3 – 5 hours for one piece so you had to work pretty quickly in order to finish, this helped me work out how to use broad strokes but never presented me with the best opportunities to explore painstaking detail, something that has become a rewarding but harsh mistress of late.

As well as nuddies we were also encouraged to draw other things, objects and places which again would prove to be invaluable in building new skills which I would be able to implement in later works. I was lucky to work in Birmingham renowned for its canals..... and also my love of chess was an obvious choice being a close uni companion!

Next time I'll be showing a little of my first proper attempts at individual and creative illustrations which were to accompany short stories that one of my college buddies developed on his course.

Until then dudes and dudettes!






05/30/2013 at 10:47 AM

Really nice work man! I always had more trouble drawing feet than hands, but I definitely agree about drawing faces. That's one of the reasons why I like to draw caricatures. You don't have to worry about getting it right lol. Plus big heads are awesome! Cool


05/30/2013 at 12:15 PM

Big heads rule, especially those ones that bobble around on springs, Thats one sell out I'm glad Lucas did, one is staring at me from my TV as we speak! Faces are just so easy to get wrong, then again so are hands and feet, its usually the most 'corrected' part of any of my drawings. Cheers for the praise matey


05/30/2013 at 10:55 AM

Hands are a bitch to draw. Very nice chess board piece.


05/30/2013 at 12:16 PM

Thanks dude! the chess board was always sitting around the flat, it's something I make sure goes everywhere with me, and theres always a download version on any handheld I might be using for travel!


05/30/2013 at 11:27 AM

This is great work,worthy of any impressive artistic portfolio. I'm taken with the one on the bottom especially. Ironically I'm not the best chess-player but I appreciate the mix-up of the canal,the chess pieces on the board, the obvious wood texture of said board,and the neat orb thingy!


05/30/2013 at 12:19 PM

Thanks Ben, any praise coming from an artist such as your self is always most welcome! I was working with the idea of reflection in that one, it took forever to get the shadow of the hand and head in the standing queen! Thats what I really like about watercolours, you can just keep adding and removing until your happy.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/30/2013 at 12:02 PM

this is awesome dude.  I always wished I could draw and always envied those who could. 


05/30/2013 at 12:21 PM

Thanks Matt, though you my friend have skills aplenty, not only do you work your ass off (a talent in it's self) but you have some serious skills with computer programs and concepts. I always look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve!

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/30/2013 at 02:02 PM

Very cool. My favorite is the middle one, and not because it's a nude, but because it gives a real sense of vulnerability somehow ... which I guess does come at least part from the fact it's a nude baring its ass at me, but I don't enjoy it in any pornographic way, just as a drawing.


05/30/2013 at 11:29 PM

Thanks Joe! I know what you mean, the first time I ever went to a life drawing class I didn't know what to expect, I was hoping for some smoking models to enter the fray but all of them were just down to earth ordinary folk. It's also wierd that you spend so much time focusing on the drawing that you don't even think about the person being butt naked. I did purposely position myself for the butt angle though!


05/30/2013 at 08:38 PM

never thought how hard drawing hands could be. never got into it despite some interst long ao. i think I was scared off by the nudes.


05/30/2013 at 11:31 PM

I always teach my students that anything can be drawin with the four basic shapes: Cubes, Cones, Cylinders and Spheres, after I became a teacher my own skills shot up because I was having to teach at a base level 5 days a week. Never convinced the head teacher to allow nude drawing though, think the kids would have been blown away!


05/31/2013 at 12:37 AM

Man you really are an awesome artist man you should be banking on that art i showed a freind that main pic you drew and he would buy it in a minute.


05/31/2013 at 11:23 PM

Thanks mate! I used to spend time working as a free lance illustrator and then I worked in fashinon design would you believe! It's quite lonely though as you work by your self so much so I decided a 'proper job' is what was needed. Cheers for the kind words!


05/31/2013 at 11:31 PM

Its not just kind words man your art really is good man, just think if you made the money off your art that im positive you could make you could buy out Microsoft and show them how to make a console lol. But seriously you should have thoughs pics in a gallery.


05/31/2013 at 11:34 PM

Buy out Microsoft eh...... now that is a plan! I'll even avoid the temptation to do 'painting with kinect game'


05/31/2013 at 11:53 PM

lol!!!Tongue Out


05/31/2013 at 01:32 AM

I hear ya.

I mentioned in your first part that while i'm getting a grip at the body figure, I still have a long way and I agree that faces and hands are a bit complicated.

Anyway, nice pics. The chess one was my favorite. So full of detail.


05/31/2013 at 11:25 PM

Thanks Alex! yeah faces and hands are killers to get to grips with, after years of practice it always amazes me how much more there is to learn. I was really pleased with the chess board, it helped reaffirm my love of water colours! glad you like it!


05/31/2013 at 09:07 PM

Really nice work. I like the chess one in particular. Faces were kind of hit or miss with me. That is, less attractive faces are easier than attractives faces. You can really run with wrinkles, imperfections and such and not worry too much about symetry. But with attractive faces it all about symetry and using shadowing and less line for detail. But yeah hands are tricky as hell, and they really are very expressive so getting them right is a must. Maybe they use chubby models so certain things are more likely to remain hidden, lol. Just a theory.


05/31/2013 at 11:33 PM

Your right there, less attractive faces are easier to draw, and more interesting surprisingly! more textures and less symmetrical features mean that you can make more 'mistakes'. The leack of line is also a really good point, relying on tone and shade for detail is very difficult and so easy to get wrong,you also might be onto something with your theory on 'flab curtains' for concealment!


06/25/2013 at 12:21 AM

My Mom used to do portrait paintings. She told me faces were the toughest things to paint. She did really good work on the eyes. I tried my hand at it but never clicked. Noses were the tough part for me it seemed. That hand is really good,btw. I guess if your models had cake issues it would give you more contours to draw. Many hills and valleys of the human form.


06/25/2013 at 12:39 AM

Hills and valleys of the human form! I like that, yeah cake makes those guys more interesting to draw (but not necessarily look at!). Faces are the holy grail for artists, everything else you can get away with a 'vague' likeness but faces have to be spot on. Chuck close is probably the most amazing face artist I have ever seen, his paintings look like photograps and are big enough to fill a whole wall in a gallery!

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