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Gamer's With Suits: The Playstation 4 Effect

I thought I would start this series out with somthing that is on everyone mind! That would be the most recent announcement of the Playstation 4 and all the cool things that were said about what this system can do. While I do not intend to cover the technical side of things here, I will be referencing some of those features that have financial experts really looking at this current generation of consoles and the effec they will have, not only on the industry, but on even on the resalers!

A Technical Cause and Effect Look At The Market

So the first thing we should probably look at, in terms of the technical specs of the system, is the issue with "no preowned games" and just what kind of effect that will have going forward. While this was just a rumor that most of us heard and feel is somewhat unfounded, its got the financial experts talking! The pre-owned market is a big deal! We are looking at places like gamestop, bestbuy, walmart and even your local game store!  For the PS4, we are looking at a potential expansion of the digital download market, meaning there is no physical media! A lot of experts are optimistic that will be the case, and feel that will drive the sales and subsequently the revenues for companies like Take Two, EA, and Activision. This could potentially mean that game prices could be reduced over time, similar to how PC games tend to be cheaper since there is no secondary market for preowned games. 

Of course the problems are fairly evident in that the secondary market is the driving force for most of the gamestop style companies out there that deal exclusively in video games, accessories and consoles. The question will be left as to whether or not there are price drops on the games because of this and if not, whether Microsoft will decide against such a feature and look to pick up extra sales due to not having such an invasive feature on their system!

Moving on, there are a few more things we should observe in the market dealing with the release of the PS4. First would be looking at the major game companies that are listed on public exchanges. Activision, EA, Take Two etc.. all are priced to move right now, with lethargic (at best) movement upward, and more movement down as well as failing consumer and investor confidences, with the announcement of the PS4 it appears that across the board these companies have made pretty substantial leaps forward. Other analyst state that when there is a new console cycle, these compies can outperform the S&P 500 with a fair amount of ease. This is fairly important because of the length of this last console cycle, and what it could potentially mean for shorter cycles in order to keep company stock values consistently high, even in the face of consumer and investors fading confidence for their continuous products.

My Opinion and Things To Observe

To tie up a few odds and ends things dealing with the release of the PS4, I look at few things I, myself, find interesting and how I believe they will effect Sony and Sony's console sales, developers willingness to develop for the console and their competitive advantage/disadvantage going up against Microsoft. 

So one thing that has been noted by most financial experts, but not really explored is the fact that there really aren't any radical spec changes! While that may or may not be a big deal, it means that we will be seeing a huge price, potentially, for a console who's hareware isn't a substantial upgrade. To most console gamers, that may not be a big deal, to a PC gamer that is an egregious move! The reason I bring this up is because this was the move Nintendo made with the Wii from the Gamecube! There was not a substantial improvement in the hardware, meaning gamers were paying more and not really receiving that in terms of hardware, which later came back to bite them in the butt. The question will be how Microsoft responds and what kind of technical spec's the next Xbox will have in comparison to the PS4. If there really isn't a substantial "wow factor" in terms of hardware, this point may be moot. The market looks closely at this for a few reasons, first and foremost, if they believe that the competitor will have the upper hand based on a similar price and better product, this will make the market price and confidence drop out from under them.

Another thing to look closely at would be the "more PC like" demenor of the PS4's firmware. While on the outside appearance, that may not be a huge deal to most, to me it means that it will allow for easier conversion of multiplatform games. This should put consumer's minds at ease in terms of fearing another "Skyrim situation" where there were several issues dealing with Bethesda being unable or unwilling to resolve issues in dealing with the PS3's firmware to get their game running at full capacity as well as getting the DLC out on a timely basis for the PS3. 

Finally, we should look at the first strike potential in terms of sales and continuous sales, what kind of comparative advantage it gives as well as launch titles. The first thing I would say we look at is the first strike advantage. Here we know most console companies start out with a fairly substantial price, and then pull a fairly substantial price cut..Most people don't really care why they just go with it, but there is a real reason! Consoles price out early on are priced fairly high because the companies are recovering their R&D expenses, once those have been recovered, there is a price cut, to reduce the cost, keep their profit margin about the same, and bring in people who may have been priced out in the beginning! To understand the first strike advantage, we need look no further than this last generation. Microsoft came out very early on, with their high price, and no PS3 to compete with. They were on their own, and recovered their costs in a very monopolistic fashion. They reduced their price, and thus their sales increased even with the PS3 coming out,  because that higher cost to recover THEIR R&D made them less competitive. The problem here is that when the PS3 released they had to cut their prices early, thus selling at a loss and taking 0 profit, while they recovered their R&D expenses. Thus when you hear they were having trouble early on, this was why! This is also why first strike advantage is HUGE as well as how much time can be allowed to pass in the release of current generation and next generation console release dates.

And of course we've got release titles, and what I call the "Wii U effect." Now, I am not downing Nintendo or the Wii U, I am simply stating tat there were no "wow" titles released for this console, thus the sales of the console were a bit lethargic at best! When the Wii originally released, it had the novelty of the motion controls, but more importantly it had....yes you got it, a ZELDA title to sell the console! Zelda is a product mover if I ever saw one because so many gamers classify it as their first RPG experience. Without this type of title for the PS4's release it could create a situation where they're opening sales are lethargic, especially if Microsoft has a better release line up! Meaning they blew the first strike advantage (if they take it) and end up in a similar situation this time around.

Well, if you made it this far, thanks for reading, I hope you found some of the analysis useful! I will continue to look to the markets, the numbers and the companies and continue my analysis going forward!


Your friendly neighborhood gamer with a suits.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/01/2013 at 03:07 PM

hey great article, man.  don't get a lot of this perspective on the internet except for Gamasutra. 

You're right -- the PS4 doesn't have a system selling game yet, but I hope it will.  But neither did the Wii U, or the 3DS, or the Vita.  They're all having slow starts.  But the 3DS is really hitting its stride now, and I imagine the Wii U will too, around xmas, a year after launch.  That might be the case with the PS4 too, unfortunately.  

Am I gonna buy one?  Yeah, I think so.  Maybe i'l go for the xbox, but I lean towards Sony a little bit, especially because of the xclusives.  


03/01/2013 at 03:19 PM

Thanks! I do my best in terms of trying to present a good analysis!

I think the PS4 will eventually, but that slow start could leave a lot of ground for Xbox to over take them with, it defeats the purpose of that advanage. I think Nintendo's biggest problem was that they released their system with a bunch of games that were already out on the 360 and PS3. They should have driven their sales with a Zelda game, and then continued on with new multiplatformers! 

I may buy a PS4, but we will see...I want to see what MS is bringing to the table before I make that likely decision will probably be...both lol! Sony is a good company in the end, they just make some bad decision, but bad decisions seam pretty rampant in the industry as of late.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/01/2013 at 03:25 PM

I will probably get both eventually too, but I really don't think Xbox will have any better launch games than PS4.  They might....  who knows now, but the track record of all the companies show that they won't.  There will be some nice games, but no system seller yet.  And I'm personally not interested in another Halo or Gears of War game.  I mean, 360 launched with Perfect Dark Zero?  I dunno, systems almost never launch with great games.  

I'll still buy that crap though. Tongue Out


03/01/2013 at 03:30 PM

Ha, yeah, I didn't buy in at first, my biggest thing was Fable 2, which turned out to be crap :-/. I am hoping Fable 4 will be good though! It will exist without its Peter Molyneau (its spelled wrong, but you know what i mean). So this will be a real chance for it to be fantastic! I am interested in seeing what both systems offer before I made my decision :p

On a side note, I would be willing to bet, around the holiday season, we will see a Zelda Special Edition Wii U!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/01/2013 at 03:45 PM

that would be awesome!


03/01/2013 at 03:48 PM

ha! That is what I am hoping for! it would truly be great, and that would look fantastic! 

Ryan Bunting Staff Alumnus

03/01/2013 at 03:29 PM

If Nintendo had a launch remake of A Link to the Past, I'd be playing it right now and bringing my Wii U to bed with me every night.  I currently have no plans or desires to purchase a Wii U :(


03/01/2013 at 03:32 PM

And that's quite the problem for them! They didn't really release any system sellers! I mean the VITA released an Uncharted game that a lot of people like, and the 3DS finally (finally) came into stride with their own decent game selection and backwards compatibility. 

The Wii U needs a system seller, some good games that are unique to the system and that people love. I would love to see a Zelda game that went down the road that Skyward Sword went, but a little further. A game that was about puzzles, but had character development as well!

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

03/01/2013 at 04:17 PM

Yeah, I after watching the PS4 conference I was left feeling as if Sony said a whole bunch of nothing about the more concrete details of the upcoming console.  I reeeaaally don't care about the social networking aspect of the console.  I want to know the particulars of how Sony plans to sell their games.  It's almost as if they intentionally left this information out because they know many won't like what's about to go down.

I could be wrong about that.  And I do hope that I am.


03/01/2013 at 06:30 PM

its possible for sure! I don't think they would so foolish as to irritate their own consumer base but I mean they did that in a few ways with the PS3 by removing so many featuers that people wanted... I hope you are too and I hope the system is competitive, but I really worry about the anti-used game mechanics.


03/01/2013 at 04:56 PM

Fantastic blog full of much insight here. I have to say I was a bit disappointed with the PS4 announcement event. Sounds like a powerhouse of a system,gotta give them that. Microsoft could blow them out of the water,though. Only time will tell on that.


03/01/2013 at 06:31 PM

I am gald you enjoyed it! you may be right with MS, I sort of hope that they can be competitive with Sony and we can see a decent amount of games, exclusives and events!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/01/2013 at 07:47 PM

I really hope everyone is wrong about digital becoming the primary way of downloading games, and I have confidence they ARE wrong that it become the ONLY method, considering CDs/DVDs do still sell in the face of downloads, and I see games following that trend.

Great article, can't say I do or don't care about PS4, cause I wait until the price cuts for technoology, but I'm interested in where we go from here.


03/01/2013 at 08:32 PM

I do too, There is something about owning the physical media, and the recent failures in the market by EA are mostly highlighted in their Origin software which is their primary direct download gateway. I would say most of those are dealing with the iOS sales (I hope) but you never know. We will have to take a wait and see mentality with it. 


03/01/2013 at 08:09 PM

If they go all digital than I'm done with next gen. There's a lot of things that bother me about that. I feel like I don't even own the game, what if my account gets screwed up, and what not. I think that digital gaming is great, but should be optional. I highly doubt they will lower the price that much. There are games on Steam that go for $60. A LOT of them.


03/01/2013 at 08:35 PM

My hope is that the physical media stays put, but they do expand the digital downloads to try and pick up those indie games that don't have the capital behind them. I honestly believe if PSN and Xlive make it easier for indie games to make their way to market, with some better support, this generation we may see the rise of some great companies!

I know Steam has that, but in general PC games tend to be cheaper, (around $10 on avg), I would hope if there was a shift, we would see some savings, OR! I would hope that the option for a digital download in lieu of physical media is offered where you could do the digital download for a reduced price. I know its a big question in the market because this directly impacts the gamestops and's of the world.


03/01/2013 at 08:35 PM

I will honestly need to see more on it. I hope for a bigger showing at E3. I also am not to sure about the sensor pad on the controller. I hope the best for Sony and the PS4, but if they go mostly digital and can not resale the hard copy games then that will not only hurt gamers but also small retailers that deal in used games.


03/01/2013 at 08:51 PM

I agree, as do many others, that the implications of destroying the secondary market are insane. The market view is that it could be very damaging, and it would be a harsh move to pull because companies like gamestop derive so much of their profit from those secondary markets. It really has generated interest in both the consumer and investor market.


03/01/2013 at 09:03 PM

It's potentially good that games ported onto the PS4 will not have the problems they did on the PS3. (Probably because the PS4 is more pc-centric when it comes to programming language) I really hope that "used games" are allowed to stay. I've read blurbs of supposed PS4 spokespeople reassuring gamers playing used games will not be a problem yet the nasty rumors of a "used game crack down" are still circulating as well.


03/01/2013 at 09:09 PM

This is something that so many experts are watching since this becomes more the developers fighting the retailers! I know they are trying to reassure gamers, but the market's not buying this bull! They are watching this closely because there will likely be a response, and that could potentially be higher prices to off set losses. Its possible that will be what some experts think will drive digital download sales.

While I am not certain, its definitely one of those phenomenons to watch out for. I do think if this "anti secondary market" crap does continue to a point of making it impossible to exist that the FTC will likely get involved because it would do such an amount of damage to retailers, especially brick and mortar establishments.

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

03/03/2013 at 01:37 AM

I definitely think Sony made a good decision with opting for a more PC based programming system, as they definitely took a kick to the nads this gen with porting issues.  What boggles my mind is this coming generation's consoles lacking in that "must have" launch game. Launching a new console is all well and good, but without that packaging power of a great line-up of titles that grab audiences, it just seems like a rush out the door. When you compare this to the dawn if the 16 bit generation, where launch titles were so pivotal, it makes you wonder where do priorities lie? 

All the emphasis on the social media seems like an attempt to cash in on a phenomenon that has corporations seeing dollar signs, rather than focusing on what makes video games such a great medium. For all the creative and financial achievements that games have   established, it seems the concept of a console as a video game system has become a taboo to corporations who fear market stability, but won't put their faith I what has made gaming so successful in the first place - fantastic, innovative GAMES.

Great article man; definitely looking forward to more!

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