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Politeness on patrol! (And uh,kinky art)

On 08/12/2014 at 07:05 PM by BrokenH

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Don’t have much to report other than I had the police called on me. It’s one of those blue-moon occurrences that hardly ever happen so when I greeted them at the door I figured maybe they were looking for someone else and simply needed help with directions. (My apartment building is small but more labyrinthine than it has the right to be)

The good news I did not get accused of murder or accused of peddling the newest pop on the mean streets! Our neighbor below us had his window open and so did Alex so I think the volume from Alex’s computer was too loud.

It was still embarrassing, especially because there was a pretty female officer with her male compatriot and I happened to answer the door looking like shit. I’m sure I’ll never be in any of her fantasies but I might make it into a few nightmares that have to deal with tall slobs with mangled long hair who wear ridiculously garish bright green shorts. Poor kid, I might have scarred her for life! (Boggart voice)

That’s it. I know someone reading this is eagerly pondering “But they beat you with a nightstick right, Broken?!” or “Did they have you lay face first on the ground as you were put in the Vulcan death grip?” Nope! Sorry, cops in my neighborhood tend to be extremely polite. I had a few bad experiences when I was younger (Police really do not like trench coats) but lately every time I see an officer he or she has been a nice normal person simply doing his or her job. How about that? An actual “nice” cop story! I know some of you wanted a nightstick beat down, the throwing of bricks made of cocaine, or perhaps me getting riddled with bullets over a simple misunderstanding thus making me a neighborhood martyr while simultaneously proving the law enforcement agency here is filled with complete monsters but tough, this is all I got! I call this encounter “Nice friendly cop and his cute blonde partner”. (I’m sure there are better titles I just cannot think of them right now.)

But I still have guilty dirty pleasure indulgences for those who want them. I’m glad the police did not come into my room because I was working on this kinky little number. Yes, it’s a Broken’s Daimons entry so if you don’t like gazing at crudely drawn depictions of heterosexual lust it’s better to just stay here where it’s nice and safe! Those of you who know my characters should recognize Amy.



Cary Woodham

08/12/2014 at 07:09 PM

There are some good police officers out there.  Like Mappy. :)


08/12/2014 at 07:47 PM

Mappy,sir? I'm unfamiliar. I'm all about Andy Griffith and police academy though! Wink

Cary Woodham

08/12/2014 at 09:35 PM

Tsk, tsk, you don't know who Mappy is?  You'd better do some research, pronto! :)


08/12/2014 at 11:09 PM

If it's an old school videogame character I'm surprised because I take some pride in knowing my old school videogame characters,Cary. I'll uh,look Mappy up!

 PS: Ah,he's a mouse! 


08/12/2014 at 07:53 PM

Im glad to hear they were nice, there are some good cops out there but discerning whos good or corrupt is the real name of the game.


08/12/2014 at 07:57 PM

These two are typical neighborhood beat cops. I've talked to them and seen them before and they've always been really nice. Granted I'm sure a future misunderstanding could put me in cuffs and on the hood of a police car but so far that has not happened fortunately. lol. 


08/12/2014 at 08:15 PM

I'll never be able to look at Amy the same way ever again.LOL! Seriously though nice work. Glad the cops didn't kick your ass. Here the cops are too lazy to mess with you. Not all cops are bad I know, but I fear they are the minority of that species.


08/12/2014 at 08:28 PM

I do not if "cop fear" is a healthy impulse or just over the fact we hear about and see a lot of bad stories of police fucking up yet we don't ever hear and see as much about the police doing a good job. The media loves doom and gloom. Cop saved a girl scout? Fuck it. Police beating up a homeless person will get more views!

Don't get me wrong. I know many cops are in fact bullies and are corrupt as sin but I get tired of them getting more screen time than the cops being decent civil servants. It's as if we make celebrities out of the bad-cops and make the good-cops invisible.

Anyway,glad you liked the pic even if you'll never see Amy quite the same way again. lol.


08/12/2014 at 08:20 PM

Damn.  What, the neighbor was too afraid of you guys to ask you to turn down the volume?  

One of my best friends use to wear a trench coat everywhere.  He's been stopped by the cops a few times.  A couple times he had to inform them that he had a gun on him.  Nothing happened.  Cops like to know about guns.  They check the gun and license and you're good.  My friend is a social worker now.  Works with substance abuse guys and leads group sessions.  His gun is never too far away. Cool


08/12/2014 at 08:31 PM

In my case there was a guy in a trenchcoat who looked like me selling dope. Luckily,eventually the police got to know me well enough to tell the difference. I still did not feel comfortable wearing a trench after all the hassle I got over it though.

Glad your friend has made a career out of helping others,James. Seems like a stand up guy!


08/12/2014 at 08:51 PM

He's great.  I meet him in college.  He had long hair, black trench coat, and always wore flannel and jeans.  He looked like a drifter.  He used to hang out in my apartment all the time.  We'd stay up late at night watching crazy B-movies and during the day, after class, we'd take naps.  Now, his hair is short, coat's gone, wearing more "adult" clothes, and married with 2 kids.  He's the same guy from college; just looks different. Laughing


08/12/2014 at 09:19 PM

I like the laid back,down to earth, and fun types! He seems like someone I would have gotten along with too. Smile Good to know he's doing well too!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/13/2014 at 03:47 AM

i had some cops come in on me when I was living in San Francisco.  luckily I hid the bong in the fridge before I answered the door.  


08/13/2014 at 11:02 AM

Concealed fridge bong for the win! You uh, "Metal Geared" that situation like a pro,sir!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

08/13/2014 at 06:11 AM

Dammit Ben, keep yo volume down! lol

Also; been meaning to check out your 'kinky artwork', but I'm always on my work computer when I see you posting it, so I have yet to take a look. Sorry about that bud!


08/13/2014 at 10:55 AM

It's cool,Chris. lol. As for "keeping it down" normally it's not a prob but I think this time windows were opened to both apartments so the sound travelled more. But heck,my neighbor could have just y'know,politely asked us to "turn it down" before calling the police on us.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/13/2014 at 06:52 AM

Bahaha. I opened your pic to look at it just as my nan walked over. Talk about timing... she was quite confused. Then I told her a friend drew it and I was just checking it out and she said "You and your college friends are weird." I didn't bother explaining I didn't know you from college.

 I'm glad you didn't get white Rodney King'd though.


08/13/2014 at 11:01 AM

Yeah,police don't seem too "eager" to get physical over noise complaints. Probably because they don't want to go through any hassles simply over someone being a bit too loud. Guess it's easier just to ask them nicely to "keep it down". (Though seriously, we are known for being quiet tennants usually.)

Uh,sorry about your timing with your nan. lol. I like her reaction though! "Blake,those friends of yours......weirdos!" Tongue Out 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/13/2014 at 10:04 PM

Haha yeah. Nan isn't super judgemental though. She's into geeky shit. Just not geeky erotic shit lol.

And yeah. I've only had one bad experience with a police officer. I got pulled over for a random breath test right outside my dad's place, and he kept trying to find things to book me on. He got up me for having where I lived on my license instead of my university residence, which is just fucking boarding so clearly he doesn't know the law, and then he did an inspection of my car, and deemed my back tire "a little too bald." It wasn't until my dad came out and said what's the problem that the guy was like "no problem and left. Shady cunt.

 My brothers get this shit all the time though, but I think they brought it on themselves. One is a big note who speeds everywhere and thinks it's funny to tell the police to go fuck themselves, and the other is a stoner who used to shoplift a lot. So yeah.


08/13/2014 at 10:31 PM

Man, I'm sorry you had to deal with that guy. What a wanker. It did seem like he was trying "really hard" to find the tiniest thing wrong. Bored self important cops are the worst.

As fot your nan, I wasn't offended by the weirdo remark. lol. As far as words go "weirdo" is pretty non-offensive. Heck,we reserve that one for family members and even other people we care about. (Despite their weirdness) 


08/13/2014 at 04:08 PM

At least the cops didn't give you a hard time.

I haven't had that many interactions with cops myself (which is kinda surprising given the section of Brooklyn I live in), hopefully I'll be able to keep it that way.


08/13/2014 at 07:45 PM

Yeah seeing a cop or two of them is akin to seeing the's usually bad news. lol. I'm glad in this case it was over something that could be resolved easily without any fingerprints or mug shots.


08/19/2014 at 01:00 PM

Was this before or after Furgeson? As of this moment most police are not looked on too kindly, moreso if that person is black or of the police at the moment are wearing military gear.

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