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The freedom to create without hate!

On 09/21/2014 at 09:20 PM by BrokenH

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My second piece on #game gate takes us further from the source than the last. To many of you that will probably be a bit of a relief as we’ve all had our fill of Orwellian styled censorship and sex scandal gossip. (Though frankly, #gamer gate is more about exposing collusion, nepotism, and cronyism as opposed to getting juicy gossip on who is banging who) Forbes recently did an article on how The Escapist’s #gamergate forum thread was ddossed shortly after Greg Tito had an argumentative conversation with Ben Kuchera. I will let the article more or less speak for itself!

Personally I’ve been thinking about the ramifications for creators. People like myself who sort have been under an oppressive shadow for a few years now. If you remain confused on what I’m talking about,it revolves around issues such as Kotaku trying to shame Dragon Crown’s artist George Kamitani and someone involved with The Halo franchise calling out Hideo Kojima on misogyny (Exact words being sexist man baby) just because he did not like the character design for Quiet. Furthermore I can attest that the indie scene is a bit of a bear trap as well in which most games with sex appeal come under immediate scrutiny. (Unless the indie game maker in question happens to be great at public speaking and advertising to the point his or her racy designs will be overlooked entirely.) There was even a little outburst about the sexy characters in Skull-Girls until it was discovered one of the artists and the head animator was in fact a woman. (Mariel Cartwright)

Before it’s mentioned, I do not think every game in existence should have bikini armor, tight camel-toe exposing spandex, or ridiculous breast physics. Simultaneously it is a design choice that should be accepted as there are already games that take themselves more seriously which offer realistic alternatives to what these more sexually explicit games tend to focus on. Variety and diversity are positives, yes? Sometimes it’s nice to get lost in a good story ala Bioshock Infinite but sometimes it great to laugh at the absurdity and kinkiness of something more like Lollipop Chainsaw! There’s no reason why both games cannot exist in the same space.

My beef? I’m tired of the shame-tactics. Personally I “like” making my female characters as risqué and arousing as possible. No, you do not have to like it. However, I am at least asking I be allowed to show my works without someone accusing me of being a horny immature man-child or a woman-hater.

For me art is my way to vent. Realism? I get plenty of it on a daily basis. Furthermore, Bi-polar disorder (which I‘m diagnosed with) tends to be coupled with hyper-sexuality, a condition where someone thinks about kinky fantasies more frequently than the average person. So instead of snorting blow and buying hookers my solution is drawing hawt tits and asses. Instead of using someone to get off (possibly hurting them in the process) I create worlds inhabited by an assortment of sexy and lethal heroines and villainesses. No, it doesn’t exempt me from being a pervert but at least I’m a pervert who can sleep easy at night!

I just hope when the dust and debris settle from #gamer gate that creative people will be able to make what they want under much less duress!




09/21/2014 at 11:33 PM

Hey Ben.  Nice artwork as always.  The rabbit's are very unsettling.

Also you already know my feelings on sexual expression in art, so I don't need to go into it here.  I'll only say this.  While people have the right to complain about things they don't like and their feelings are very valid, they do not have the right to never be offended.

Finally, the biggest influence on games and game design going forward will be money.  Cold hard cash.  While I feel that most triple A games will emulate the PG-13 model that mainstream movies follow, I don't think things will change too much.  We will continue to get games that make money, and the ones that don't will adapt to the smaller digital model or go away.  To ensure that we continue to get the games that we want, we just have to keep buying them.

Sorry if I missed that last couple of blogs.  I was on vacation for several weeks, and I didn't get online much.  I'm still going to read them and look at the awesome artwork.



09/21/2014 at 11:42 PM

True dat. Money talks,bullshit walks but I think we'll always have ppl like Suda 51 to mix it up and I couldn't be happier about that. lol.

I don't take a perverse pleasure out of offending ppl but if they don't like my works they have many alternatives. Hell or high-water I will not change for anyone except myself,Ceva.

Lastly,don't worry about missing blogs. LIVE that life,yo!


09/22/2014 at 01:49 AM

I hope that cauldron isn't hot or there's going to be some toasty nipples.


09/22/2014 at 11:36 AM

Lachesis is a witch so I imagine even if the cauldron was hot she'd have conjured up some kind of protection before hand. Then again,maybe she's just stirring the solution for green Jello! Tongue Out


09/23/2014 at 01:02 AM

Oo. Kinky green jello.


09/23/2014 at 04:26 PM

Awww yeahhhh! Look at dat jello jiggle!


09/24/2014 at 02:01 AM

Oh honey. Guess what I brought home tonight. That's right, it's about twenty pounds of green jello. Let's fill the tub. He he he.


04/02/2015 at 08:51 PM



09/22/2014 at 05:46 AM

People should be free to create anything they want (within the law).  Let's hope they don't make up new laws to restrict us from creating and buying what we are free to do now.


09/22/2014 at 11:42 AM

Luckily we are a capitalist society so we can support what we like and back it with cash. All the collusion and propaganda spouted by these game journos doesn't address the fact the consumer is the backbone of the industry. They can love it or hate it,but we decide,James.

That said, I do think these faux sjws mislead a big chunk on the gaming demographic and I know a lot of friends who will not give a game a chance unless it has at at least an 8 out of 10 at most sites. That's a little sad.

Nick DiMola Director

09/22/2014 at 07:18 AM

I agree wholeheartedly, Ben. Part of what annoyed me when this whole thing kicked off last year, was that the games media seemed to be largely targeting niche Japanese games (see: Dragon's Crown, Killer is Dead, etc). Ignoring the fact that there's a cultural divide there, why was the scrutiny never directed at popular western games? God of War literally objectifies women by making them just a means of titillating the player and filling up Kratos' life via sex (not that I personally have a problem with this). 

Perhaps a bit of a conspiracy theory, but the games media seemed to be turning on Japanese games for years, and the whole misogyny thread was their latest way to attack the already shrinking output of Japan. Western RPGs? Better than the grindfest, creatively bankrupt JRPGs we grew up with. Action games? We'd rather slam one button over and over as Kratos than master the complexity of the attack system in God Hand.

Ignoring all of the stuff that I've come to hate about games journalism after being inside of it for 7 years now, the entire push for essentially censoring things we're uncomfortable with is an effort I won't stand for. I'm ok with people not appreciating the art and criticizing it, but I certainly hope that the games media stops making a concerted effort to make it disappear.

Also worth mentioning, women can find these more sexualized representations of women attractive too. Sometimes I get the impression that the games media forgets that many people find a beautiful woman attractive, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. If it weren't the case, nearly everything out there wouldn't be advertised to us with attractive women.

I'm all about true feminism (textbook definition: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.), but I won't stand for the warped sense of social justice that they try to pass for feminism at many of these gaming outlets. Maybe instead of constantly trying to think for all the women out there, these predominantly white male journalists should ASK women what they think and try to understand what they really want out of this medium and what THEY perceive to be problematic, rather than assume these things, ultimately robbing women of their voice on the issue.

If nothing else, I hope Gamer Gate is exposing just how nasty many of these prominent industry writers are and how much of an old boys club game journalism is. I've seen and experienced all of it first hand, which is why I've distanced myself from it all for years now. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started writing for Nintendo World Report 7 years ago.


09/22/2014 at 11:46 AM

Criticism is fine. I just hate it when they say "Dude likes drawing big tits so dude must be an immature man child,a promoter of the patriarchy,a closet pedophile, or completely evil!". If that were true George R R Martin would be worse than Culigula or Hitler based on Game Of Thrones. Yell Judging a creator as a human being based on his or her creations is not the right way to go about an analytical critique.

By the way,this campaign does seem directed more at Japanese games too so you're dead on. Compare the amount of vile flung at Killer is dead compared to GTA 5. Killer is dead was slammed much worse fot its' racy content even though it could easily be argued overall GTA 5 beats it at vulgarity & negative stereotypes nearly at every turn.

Lastly you tend to be right about most women too. Not saying there are not exceptions out there,but many of my female friends "like" attractive avatars. I find very few people go out of their way to create an ugly character unless it's just for shits and giggles!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/22/2014 at 08:29 AM

double, double, toil and trouble; that witch's butt is very supple.  

and "Ridiculous Breast Physics" should be a band name.  


09/22/2014 at 11:48 AM

That rhyme was priceless and sublime, I'd tap that booty any time! Cool

Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/22/2014 at 12:11 PM

ha well, if you didn't recognize it, it's inspired by a line from Shakespeare's Macbeth, where a bunch of witches are stirring a cauldron.  I love that shit.  


09/22/2014 at 12:24 PM

Yup,I recognized it. Macbeth's cauldron scene has pretty much been rocketed to mainstream stardom. I believe there's even a Duck-tales episode that references the same part in the play. Wink

Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/22/2014 at 01:27 PM

I've seen that episode!


09/22/2014 at 11:20 AM

I already said my point of view in past blogs of yours, so I have nothing but agreement here. Fanservice shouldn't be everything, but nothing wrong with some butts and breasts really.


09/22/2014 at 11:53 AM

Totally,Alejandro! Smile


09/22/2014 at 03:28 PM

Context is important. I often use literature as a comparison, so let me do that here: if you're making a video game adaptation of a Mark Twain or Hemingway novel, you would be remiss to design your characters to look and prance around like swim wear models. If you were adapting Tolkien, you woud be remiss to dress Eowyin in boob plate. These are writers who try to create plausibility in their stories, whether fantasy or reality based.  But over here you may be adapting a Robert E Howard, swords and sorcery story. Now some of the more decadent imagery would not be so out of place. You would have scantily clad harem girls, guys in loincloths, etc. Even further still you may be going for an over-the-top, this-goes-to-11, Heavy Metal/Simon Bisley/Ralph Bakshi spectacle, or some kind of over the top farcical setting, where things are as sexy as can be, grotesque as can be, manic as can be, etc.  

The sign of an informed artist is they know the difference. Hacks don't and try to justify their questionable work by saying "sex sells" or "that wouldn't be realistic."  I myself like to see a variety of characters in my entertainment: beautiful people, ugly people, average people, young, old,  etc. So sex doesn't sell to me, but it can be a nice touch here and there, just like violence, humor, drama - these things make art interesting to me.  That's my personal preference for story and entertainment. Some like pure balls out exploitation more. Some want pure realism. As long as the concept and content are consistent, I don't see a problem.


09/22/2014 at 03:52 PM

Funny you should mention Bisley and Howard as they are two influences. Then again I never had anything against Tolkien or Mark Twain. Far from it, I love their work.

 I also grew up in the 90's where the character designs for rpgs and fighting games tended to be a bit over the top and not only that you would have artists like Boris paint game covers for anime characters. The mix of those cultures was "strange" and yet a part of me liked it and took a shine to it. I know we joke about those supposedely "bad covers" today but truth be told I always had some amount of admiration for them.

 Am I a hack? I haven't decided,Chris. In some ways I just see my art as therapy that eases a sick fevered mind. I admit to myself that often a few of my designs are quite ridiculous but growing up on anime,videogames,image comics,vertigo graphic novels,Heavy-metal album covers,and ridiculously cheesy action movies tends to warp one's creative approach somewhat!

 I do wonder sometimes though why I didn't turn out more like Cliffy G. Back in the day I loved Aliens & Predator so who knows why I didn't eventually evolve more towards "realistic space marine artist". (Well, maybe not Cliff himself but whoever was the head artistic designer for Gears Of War)


09/22/2014 at 08:03 PM

Wasn't implying you were a hack.  I'm referring to something like game developers who go for these serious, "epic" settings and narratives, yet they'll have female warriors wearing high heels and metal thong armor, or dudes walking around with oiled pecs and huge jaggy swords.  The pieces don't fit. 


09/22/2014 at 08:55 PM

Ah, I didn't think you thought it. lol. I just question my own worth as a creator a lot, Chris. I do admit I have a bit of that syndrome. As in trying to tell fairly epic stories yet my characters sometimes still look like something out of Victoria secret. Anime and comic books (at least mainstream ones) suffer from that crux quite a bit and that's what I grew up with. Guess it kind of rubbed off. Tongue Out


09/22/2014 at 03:36 PM

This is something that's bugged me for a while, too. I'm ok with criticism, but reading an article comprised solely of a person who's supposed to be a professional just insulting someone and their artwork simply because they found it in poor taste is way over the line.

I guess artistic freedom's only a thing until the first person gets offended.


09/22/2014 at 03:57 PM

Yeah,it's okay to say "The proportions on these women are a bit outrageous and over the top for my tastes" but saying "This artist obviously has not gotten laid in his whole life and anyone who likes this stuff is an obvious basement nerd!" goes too far. Even if there is some truth to what the later comment suggests, it's still being delivered in a shaming condescending matter. I know I certainly do not read gaming articles to hate myself.


09/23/2014 at 12:59 PM

that bitch is fiiiiiiiiine.

Good work Ben.  You'll have to excuse me for not reading any further as soon as I saw the words Gamer and Gate together.  I dig the art though!


09/23/2014 at 04:27 PM

If anything I offer up dem fine bitches! Even if you don't like my articles...well...titties!


09/23/2014 at 05:50 PM

i like your articles just fine bro.

I just don't read anything on gamergate stuff anymore because I get pissed off and then I don't make any sense!  No fault of yours.


09/23/2014 at 05:59 PM

Yeah, I could tell you's depressing to see just how far the big-dawg game journos will go to shut down all conversation about gamergate. The anti GG crowd went so far as to get the guy who created the hashtag #notyourshield fired from his job. (The irony being they claim to stick up for minorities and the victim of their malice happens to be black. I mean it would still be horrible if he was white too but how it is just makes the whole incident more ironic.)

But mostly this piece was just about how creators should have the right to create things without being called monsters or women hating swine. (Though constructive criticism is still a-ok!)


09/23/2014 at 02:35 PM

sadly it looks like that's the only way to force change is to do all you can to make them feel bad about what they did. There is no more constrictive critisim since most figure they will not be heard out. The loudest voice wins reguardless if the disucssion is worth it. And if you don't get your way, just out right attack them till they go away. It swings boath ways for any noble or unnoble cause.

It's noteworthy that there are those that hope to be able to create a rappore where such actions and intelligent disccussion could help created an environment of understanding and acceptance. But like all humans there will always be those that push the boundrays of decency since that line keeps constantly changing in what should be considered decent or indecent. clashing opnions and personal tastes based off either puritant or secular grounds will always find ways to butt heads. I don't see any middle ground anymore. And it looks like when none is reached the yelling attacks begin. =(


09/23/2014 at 04:32 PM

Right now at least you're right as rain. Don't get me wrong. I think GG has accomplished good things and is pushing forward. However upon further reflection some dualities will always duel. Like you stated there will always be more secular people and more puritanical people. I'm not really asking to be above reproach, though I do think it's immature when someone calls an artist or writer a horrible name just because of what they include in their works. Yes,there will always be those people but I'd be happy if such unfair slander was simply less rampant throughout the game community landscape as a whole.

Cary Woodham

09/29/2014 at 04:54 PM

Cool picture.  She should have some clothes so those rabbits don't get her, though.

New blog up, by the way.


04/02/2015 at 08:56 PM

The rabbits are actually rabbit slippers,Cary. lol.


10/15/2014 at 01:09 PM

Hi Ben, 

It's Jesse (jelliSHOT from 1up).  I finally created an account (I avoided it because I thought I would spend too much time on here, but frankly I spend just as much time on other gaming websites), and I kind of just wanted to get away from all the negativity and wars of words that seem to pervade the comment sections of every article/review I read.  I enjoy reading blogs because it reminds me that gamers are individuals and most aren't like the vocal minority a-holes waging war on message boards and twitter.  Reading your blogs on Gamergate has kind of enlightened me a little bit about it and given me a personal connection to it.  I've read your posts for a while and agree with a lot of your viewpoints on journalism and art, and have seen some of the abuse you've taken for just being outspoken and opinionated.  I don't think I will ever identify with one side over another, because each has some validity to their arguments, but rather than learning from each other or respectfully agreeing to disagree, it devolves into a pissing contest.  Plus, I don't like labels, especially when idiots who identify themselves with those labels harass and threaten to commit acts of violence against others who have a difference of opinion.  Over games.  Anyway, I came over here to get away from that and now I'm talking about it.  At least you guys are more rational.

Glad to see you're still drawing.  Never let anybody tell you what you should and shouldn't be drawing.  Do what you want for yourself, whether you want to make a statement, illicit a reaction, or just because you like the subject matter.  Unless you're getting paid.  Then do what your client wants lol.


04/02/2015 at 08:58 PM

THanks for the encouragement,Jesse! Sorry I sort of missed you when you finally settled down here. Hopefully you'll see more of me now.

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