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12.20.14 - Final Blog of 2014!

On 12/20/2014 at 05:40 PM by F1r3inth3H0L3

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Hello all, thanks for taking the time in reading what is likely my last blog of the year. I am sure to be pretty busy the next couple of weeks with holiday festivities and will still be logging in to read other’s blogs but I won’t have any time to write anymore. This being my last blog, there is a lot of ground to cover. I am going to jump right in with my top five games of the year:




#5) Super Smash Bros. for Wii U  

The roster is solely why this game is on my list. Mega Man, Little Mac, Pac Man, Duck Hunt and Sonic added to the already great roster instantly makes this game a must buy. The HD visuals are beautiful, it’s great to see Nintendo games in HD, finally. I also like all the nods to vintage Nintendo games and systems as someone who grew up playing NES, although I really wish that this game had a single player mode like Subspace Emissary or Adventure Mode. Unfortunately, I don’t have the means to sit 8 people down to play this game locally. Playing against CPU players is fun, but gets old fast. Smash Tour is okay, I wish they would expanded it more though, maybe even have the story mode in this form would’ve been good enough for me. One more thing, I really wish Solid Snake made a return on this version!



#4) Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition (PS4)  

This was the first Diablo game I have ever played and now I realize that I have been missing out! I played Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance and Champions of Norrath games for Playstation 2 back in the day and that is instantly what this game reminded me of because it is so similar to them. I am glad that I waited to the Playstation 4 release to buy it with the DLC being included and the updated visuals. Loot is the name of the game and your goal, bosses and enemies are means to that end. Hearing the chime for the legendary or exotic item drop is greatly satisfying. The gems were also pretty cool equipping them to your weapons/armor for stat bonuses. I heavily considered going for the platinum trophy for this game which entails fully leveling one of each character class to level 70 and one of those playthroughs has to be on Hardcore Mode (perma-death)! In the end my backlog is just too ridiculous to commit that much time to this game.



#3) The Last of Us (PS3/PS4) 

I actually played this game in 2014 despite it coming out last year, the PS3 version, and loved every minute of it. In fact I loved it so much, that upon completing it, I traded it in to put towards the PS4 Remastered Edition. You got the PS4 version for $25 by doing that, I bought the PS3 version for $25 as well. lol. The story and gameplay are equally as awesome in my opinion. It is a stealth game when it comes down to it and I have no problem with that since my favorite gaming series is stealth oriented (Metal Gear). This is simply a game that every Playstation 3 or 4 owner should play, a classic. What I liked a lot was the tension when sneaking through abandoned building from not only the “zombies” but the humans as well.  Scavenging for supplies was also pretty awesome and choosing whether to use your supplies for healing items or weapons makes for interesting choices. Play this game!!



#1) Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4) 

I platted this game, that should give you an idea of just how much time and enjoyment I got out of it. This game deserves Game of the Year just for the Nemesis system alone in my opinion, which practically gives the game infinite replayability and brings something innovative and new to a tried and true formula of the previous generation. The visuals are gorgeous and it’s fun to play. A cross between the Batman Arkham series and the Assassin’s Creed series is basically how you could describe this game: “detective mode”, executions, parkour, towers to unlock, free flow combat and collectibles. I never got sick of playing this game, in fact I could probably walk in my room now, pop it in and start/end a new rivalry.  The trophies for this game are interesting, having you manipulate the Nemesis system to your will. Awesome, unforgettable game.



#1) Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4) 

As a fan of the Metal Gear series, this is a no-brainer; the best playing Metal Gear Solid game to date. I love the dark tone this game is taking, it’s refreshing. I probably dumped 30 hours into this teaser so I definitely got my money’s worth and I could easily put a whole lot more. Come on Phantom Pain!


RUNNERS UP: Darksiders (PS3), The Walking Dead, Season 1 (PS3), Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) 




Destiny (PS4) 

Coming from the makers of the Halo games, I expected quite a bit from Destiny. I knew it was going to be a shooter MMO, but I didn’t it expect it to be so MMO-heavy if that makes sense; replaying portions of the game over to grind for levels and gear. I played this game for about a week, completed the story and then realized the remainder of my Destiny experience would be replaying the same missions over and over again. I then sold it….



Dragon Age: Inquistion (PS4): Amazon dropped the price to $40 and I jumped all over it. This game seems to be getting all around praise and I love the Mass Effect games, but have yet to play a Dragon Age game.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: This and Mario Kart are the main reasons I bought a Wii U. Read above about my thoughts on this game.

Grand Theft Auto V (PS4): I just started playing this game and it’s gorgeous. Looking forward to playing this finally.

Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix (PS3): This was an impulse buy. I was at my local supermarket and the last Limited Edition was sitting there on the shelf, I couldn’t walk away, lol.

The Evil Within (PS4): A Black Friday purchase, I bought this for $25 at Target.



Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) 

Just started playing Grand Theft Auto V and on PS4 it looks gorgoues. I never played it on PS3 , so I am not sure how much it improved from there but I am impressed so far. The new first mode is cool, I pop into it every once in a while. I am only playing as Franklin at the moment, I know you eventually play as three characters though.

God of War: Ascension (PS3) 

This game has been on the backlog for a while and I keep telling myself to play it, so I finally am. I am a big God of War fan, I believe the original game is still my favorite though. All I know about this game is that it is a prequel, jumped in and beat the first boss of the game last night. I still love these games, I am curious to see where the story goes.

Hope you enjoyed reading and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! I look forward to reading everyone's end of the year thoughts!





12/20/2014 at 06:52 PM

So no #2 because two games tied for #1?

I bought the original Diablo III on PS3 but now I don't want to play it because I want the new version with the expansion which sadly isn't available as an add-on.

Dragon Age: Inquisition I will play once it takes the inevitable price drop to 30 bucks. I refuse to pay $70 for a game anymore. That's just nuts.

I've contemplated The Evil Within but is sounds like a running away simulator and I really do not like playing a whole game where I'm running away from shit.


12/21/2014 at 12:57 PM

Correct, since there are two #1's, that fills up two spots of the five. I liked them both so much that it is hard to pick between them.

The main attraction of the add-on is Adventure Mode. Upon completing the game you can open rifts and greater rifts for loot runs. It's awesome. The new Crusader class is pretty cool as well, I played it on my playthrough.


12/21/2014 at 09:18 PM

Nah, i've heard TEW is actually a mish-mash of elements. You ones when you run away and can attack, while others are parts remiscent of Resident Evil 4. Atleast that's what I saw.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/20/2014 at 08:17 PM

I've been thinking of getting Ground Zeroes for PC during these Steam Sales.  I'm very intrigued, but I don't think I'm gonna pull the trigger... yet.  

I didn't get Smash either.  I don't know why. I want to play it, I really do.  I just don't have anyone to play locally, so...


12/21/2014 at 01:01 PM

Metal Gear is my favorite series in gaming, so I admit that I am a bit biased when it comes to those games. It is pretty awesome. The extra missions are pretty fun and the gameplay is so awesome.

Smash Bros. plays great, I just wish there were some more modes. All the characters are the best part definitely.


12/21/2014 at 12:56 AM

Inquisition is badass.  Use the Dragon Age Keep to fill in the blanks for the first two games if youre able to do so.

I dig your list. Wish I had a Wii U so I'd have better input on that system's game offerings


12/21/2014 at 02:13 PM

Bayonetta 2 and Dragon Age: Inquistion are both bound to be great games, I haven't got the chance to play them yet though, I am sure they would have made the list. Wii U is great for the first party games, that's all I bought it for.

Cary Woodham

12/21/2014 at 01:04 AM

One of the games on your list is going to be in my Game of the Year blog.


12/21/2014 at 02:14 PM

Great, I look forward to reading it. Shadow of Mordor was just so awesome, I never felt like it was a chore to play and enoyed all the missions, even the survivalist ones.


12/21/2014 at 09:21 PM

You know there's online on Smash 4 :P

Anyway, i'm set for a Wii U soon enough for christmas, but not Smash Bros yet. Though I've seen the lack of some single-player features, I still had a lot of fun playing Brawl by myself and online seems to be great. I think i've heard 3DS Smash has much more single-player options.


12/27/2014 at 11:43 AM

I know there is online multiplayer, but I probably won't touch it, lol. It's supremely frustrating to play fighting games online.


12/22/2014 at 02:20 AM

GOW Ascension was fine but way too many QTEs. I mean, they are great QTEs, with amazing visuals and all, but I want to fight more in this game. The fighting is really good too, but there wasn't enough of it. The game is pretty short too. 


12/27/2014 at 11:37 AM

I am used to the QTEs, they don't bother me. I have always played the GOW games for the story and the gameplay is usually pretty good as well. Good to hear it's not that long, I am have been trying to chip away at the backlog which is still pretty ridiculous.


12/27/2014 at 03:23 PM

I think I did it in ten hours. says you can do it in 9. I'd replay it for the fighting if I didn't have to keep replaying those QTE segments. They're stunning once, but I don't want to replay them. There needs to be a mode where it's just fighting. I'd love that.


12/23/2014 at 09:14 AM

DA:I is a dozey to jump into if you hadn't played the first 2 games or don't know anything about them.  It hits the ground running and it's not that beginner friendly, story-wise.  There is a lot of in-game text to get you caught up.  A LOT of in-game text.  The games aren't that connected by your playable characters, but it's one big story and some of the choices you make rely on your understanding of the workings of the world and it's people.  You may want to play are look up the DA cheap notes before starting DA:I.  


12/27/2014 at 11:41 AM

I will wiki the general premise of the series, but through listening to podcasts it seems there are a good number of people playing Inquisiton and it being the first game in the series for them.


12/27/2014 at 08:21 PM

It's probably just like playing Mass Effect 3 without plaing ME1 and ME2.  Dragon Age has a more detailed story and lore, IMO.  You can play and enjoy the game just fine, but you miss out only playing the 3rd game.  


01/05/2015 at 02:31 PM

I wasn't too thrilled with Destiny either, but I never finished it. I should add it to my list for 2015 and just to get it off Mount Backlog. I love GTA V, but I don't want to buy it again for the PS4...but I probably will if/when it hits $20

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