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BaD Movies

On 02/07/2017 at 06:20 PM by Super Step

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I'm exhausted from our department's Super Media Bowl, but at the same time glad to have gone. The panelists all had great things to say that I can now relay to my non-extra-credit-getting students who didn't go depsite classes being cancelled. I understand not being able to show up to the whole thing (some students had legit excuses like test review in another class or doc appointment), but when an event meant to help you network and prepare for your career goes on from 9:30am to 4pm, you're excused from classes (I actually gave academic affairs a list of all my students to excuse them from EVERY class they had today) and given extra credit to go, why in the hell do you not at least attend the sessions happening during your now nonexistent class time? It's mind boggling how lazy that is. 

But attendance wasn't THAT bad, and I got to see someone who graduated after I did come back as an executive producer for a radio station in a large, metropolitan market among other interesting personalities so it's all good. 

Anyway, since I had no planning to do last nightand Red Box had a discount for the Super Bowl Hangover Day yesterday, I rented a couple Blu Rays. 

"It's ok, son. You're in the resurgence era of this series. I promise it won't be like V."

The reason I rented Blu Rays and not DVDs is cause last time I rented a DVD of this movie, it skipped halfway through and I couldn't finish it. I will admit, I noticed the difference between that DVD and this in Blu Ray as far as image quality, which I usually don't notice enough to care. 

I rewatched the whole thing, but was on my phone for most of the first half emailing other professors to excuse students just in case they didn't see the Academic Affairs list. Since I'd already seen that half of the movie, I just looked up ocassionally. Unfortunately, it didn't have the emotional impact it would have if I had been able to see it all the first time, but it's still a damn good entry in the series. Much more in line with the first two and Balboa than III-V, though personally I liked those movies for the goof fests they were. 

"Kaaaaaahhhhhn you dig it!"

I'll admit, I was on my phone for too much of this one too, just in case I got more emails. I'll rewatch it tonight, but I have to say I seem to be in disagreement with the reviews I watched last night after finishing it. I ... wasn't as big a fan of this as the first two. 

Now, don't get me wrong, Into Darkness was too much of a rehash of Star Trek II and did some stupid things storywise, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. Critics were praising this one for its lighter tone and the fact it felt more like a good adaptation of the 60s original show (with apparently a bunch of references for Enterprise fans according to What the Flick?!). That's all well and good, and I definitely loved the extra Bones scenes (Simon Pegg helped write this one, so the jokes were punched up), but the story just felt flat to me. 

Again, I may change my mind when I watch it again, but Double Toasted's main critiques were what I liked most in this. That could be due to my love of "Sabatoge" by the Beastie Boys (was really surprised to see people hating on that song to be honest) and the fact the Jayla character was my favorite part where they just though she was a "typical native." I 100% get where they're coming from, but I at least really liked her design. 

But the light tone (which I can appreciate) comes at the cost of a story I just could not give a shit about. To be fair, this is a common critique I agreed with. The villain's motivations were unclear and weird to me, and I honestly expected the Klingons would be the baddies in this one based on some light teasing in the previous film. To be fair, I know nothing about the Klingons other than they have their own language and Star Trek fans think they're a good villainous race apparently. But the villain here is boring. Soooo boring. And it took some of the fun out of it for me that I really didn't care about the plot. Some of the makeup and stage effects also felt a bit too close to the cheesy 60s show and I can't recall feeling like they explored too much philosophy in this one, which I wouldn't mind to see in these reboots but I know isn't likely to happen.

What was focused on was the crew as a created family, which many people have said is due to Justin Lin taking the director's chair. The Fast and Furious director definitely has that theme in the F&F titles he produced. 

One good thing about Justin Lin directing was that while I couldn't be bothered to care about the stakes, the action scenes did seem pretty cool. 

I'll report back tomorrow with whether my mind changes when I'm paying enough attention to hear all the one-liners and not just ocassionally looking up at Bones, Scotty, the main crew, or Chekov getting into their antics. 

No gaming was done last night as I used my PS4 for these Blu Rays. I did wonder while watching Creed if in the future sports movies won't have game tie-ins, but instead promote themselves by having the movie characters be playable or available via DLC. Would be cool to have Rocky and Creed playable in a now-gen boxing game. Or has all of this already happened and I just haven't noticed?

Star Trek could also make a cool Mass Effect-style game I think ... I say without having played any ME title for more than a demo (of ME2). 




02/07/2017 at 06:55 PM

I have yet to see Trek done well in any video game. And I didn't like the first two rebooted movies enough to want to watch the third (or at least pay anything more than my regular monthly subscription fees for Netflix and Hulu). But I'm just old and curmudgeonly, so don't take me too terribly serious here.

I spent the time I would have watched the Superbowl (curse you, antenna malfunction!) watching The Legend of Bagger Vance, which I really enjoyed. I also rented and wathed Casablanca for the first time recently, and I think I may have watched Finding Dory the same day you did.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/07/2017 at 07:35 PM

I rented Casablanca once but didn't really catch the whole thing. It may end up being another citizen kane for me, where i greatly appreciate but don't really like the movie. The best movie i saw in a Freshman film history class was Ruggles of Red Gap.

My parents watch bagger Vance quite a bit and i like that one too.

And don't worry, i understand why you as an original fan don't enjoy the reboots. This one seems closer to the original series to me, but I'll let you be the judge should you ever see it.


02/07/2017 at 07:03 PM

Mass Effect was originally supposed to be a Star Trek game but Bioware couldnt get licensing so they created new IP. A lot of the art design and exploration with the Maco tank in ME1 was like doing away missions on Star Trek. It's funny because the new Star Trek films feel more like Mass Effect games than the original TV show. I'm a pretty big Trek fan, and I did like the last film, Beyond, because it felt more like a long 2-part episode of the TV show. You're right about you criticism, but it reminded me that Star Trek is better as a TV show than film.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/07/2017 at 07:38 PM

See  i figured that might be the case with me.

And here i am on my phone aching beyond tree second time. Oh well.


02/07/2017 at 09:37 PM

Yeah. Beyond is a really great Star Trek episode. Part of the reason is that Simon Peg wrote it and he's a huge sci fi nerd, so it got the tone of the show moreso than the first two films, which were more like Star Wars films to me. Actually, the political babble and diplomacy of the Jedis in the Star Wars Prequels 1-3 felt more Star Trek than Star Wars. And now I'm just rambling on because I don't know? I just want Star Trek to return to television and just be a good drama and leave all the action to Star Wars films. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/08/2017 at 09:54 AM

Yeah, I knew Simon Pegg helped write it, I mention that in the blog. I did enjoy it more while watching it last night ... too bad the Blu Ray started skipping HORRIBLY halfway through. 


02/07/2017 at 08:56 PM

I havent seen either of these, Star Trek im not much of a fan of and Creed I just havent had a chance to see it. I did watch Finding Dory, I should murder you for making me catch feelings -_- However, I will spare you this time. For real though, it was a dang good movie. Thanks for letting me know its on Netflix. I dont pay much attention to what they add sometimes.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/08/2017 at 09:55 AM

It was one of the first things that popped up on their "What's new on Netflix" row when I logged in.


02/07/2017 at 09:27 PM

I haven't seen any of these movies either, but I bought Turbokid on googleplay last week and guess what? The whole movie is in french and there are no subtitles even though it says it has them in the description. Yeah, lame.

I had What We Do in the Shadows and Sicario on my tablet or did but I haven't watched them yet. Just no time.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/08/2017 at 09:55 AM

I really liked Sicario. 

Turbokid looks funny. 


02/07/2017 at 09:36 PM

I'm trying to think of a sports game with a movie tie-in. I think there was a couple but I can't remember which ones. It'll probably hit me tomorrow.

Seriously how do you not show up to an event that will help your future job prospects? Even if you can only go for a couple of hours, GO! I get some kids probably saw free day, but at least take advantage of the oppritunity. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/08/2017 at 09:57 AM

I can understand missing the journalism panel if you know that's not what you want to do etc., but there were panels for each of our major concentrations so how the hell do you not try to attend at least one? And these kids don't realize they don't know what they'll be doing once out of college. It was practically a theme among the panelists. haha


02/08/2017 at 07:55 AM

I watched Creed and Star Trek.  I enjoyed them both.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/08/2017 at 09:57 AM

I did too on some level, Beyond just underwhelmed me the first time. Second time I was liking it more cause I was able to pay closer attention, then the Blu Ray started skipping.


02/09/2017 at 08:57 PM

Blurays skip?  It must of been in some bad shape. Laughing

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/08/2017 at 10:31 AM

I like the new Star Trek but I've been disappointed in them too. I just like Star Trek. I do like the new cast.  The movies are just kind of empty and bleh. I still go and see them though. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/08/2017 at 02:45 PM

See, I really enjoyed the first two; this was the first empty/bleh one for me. Then again, a lot of that can be watching at home vs. theater. Way more distractions. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/08/2017 at 02:54 PM

I have higher hopes for a Star Trek TV series.  I think it works better on that medium.  


02/09/2017 at 11:49 AM

I love Creed. It doesn't achieve anything new for sports dramas or the Rocky series but it does what it does extremely well. It knows what buttons to push. 

I also enjoyed Star Trek Beyond. The villain was weak-sauce, I agree (even if it was Idris Elba), but it doesn't hurt the film because the story placed more emphasis on the crew and their relationships. Trek usually works better that way. 

I liked Into Darkness more than most people even with its flaws. The big problem in my opinion with that film isn't that it seems to lift so much from Wrath of Kahn (I'd argue that Star Trek Nemesis is a more shameless rip-off) but that the script is more focused on plot than character.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/09/2017 at 03:23 PM

Yeah, one of the Double Toasted guys (Martin) was saying they probably just looked at the original and said "so how do we cut this same thing together for today?"

See, in that case, I'd like there to be a less obvious villain. Either the crew is both the protagonist and antagonist or something. I just don't like boring villains. I did enjoy the movie more the second time, too bad the Blu Ray skipped. Maybe I FF and RW these too much ...

I liked Into Darkness as well, and my only problem was the obvious 9/11 conspiracy theory references made in the story; not sure what writer was responsible, cause I think that movie had several. 


02/27/2017 at 12:14 AM

I liked the Star Trek reboot movies, but I can't say they've stayed with me much, or were all that memorable. I'd rewatch any of the ones with the original crew first. Next Gen, maybe. New ones? Naw. Nothing more to see there. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/27/2017 at 12:47 AM

I like both, but I wasn't a Trek fan at all until the new movies hit. I always thought the show looked too cheesy and boring growing up. I might like it now though( the Picard ones).


02/27/2017 at 04:05 PM

I never liked Next Gen. It's good writting but there's so much that turns me off from it. I could go on for days on that. I had hopes for Voyager but I never got past the first episode. I'm original series all the way.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/27/2017 at 04:34 PM

I've seen Wrath of Kahn and a bit of the original series and I liked both. The series itself is definitely more about philosophy (and I know the first movie is supposed to be as well, "What does God want with a spaceship?" etc.) which would have bored me to tears growing up, but is interesting now. 


02/27/2017 at 04:40 PM

I saw them in syndication in the 70s as a kid. I just liked the visuals back then. They look cheesy and cheap now, but I still love that look. No CG. I like the 70s Doctor Who for the same lofi reason. I just like models in films or tv and actual sets like what was used in the orignal Star Wars and what was used in Firefly and Serentiy. I don't like how slick the new Trek movies look. I mean, it's a different asthetic that I can get into but real sets and models hit me in my live-on-broadway heart.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/27/2017 at 04:53 PM

Oh, I completely understand practical being  better than CG. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/27/2017 at 04:36 PM

They also have a philosophy of Halo video if you're so inclined.


02/27/2017 at 04:42 PM

I'll have to check out the video later because this library computer is SLOW.


02/27/2017 at 11:25 PM

Oh man! Both those videos were great. Thanks for those. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/28/2017 at 12:28 AM

No problem. I ... Have yet to watch them myself .. Lol

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